Chapter Six

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We got to his house, and Lila opened the door for us. She looked at Blake and he nodded then Lila looked at me then flung her arms around me, "I am so happy, your still my friend and didnt go running away from us because were not human" she said all in a rush. I just smiled at her.

"Okay, Sienna something happened and we need to explain it to you" Blake said gruffly, running a hand through his hair.

He walked me into their living room, and let me tell you it was massive, with a large flat screen tv and a coffe table in the middle. I saw Lexi and Matt sitting on the sofas along with a man who looked a little like Blake.

"Sienna this is my uncle Logan he is a fallen anglel, all the people in this room are fallen angels, but fallen for different reasons" He explained

"You see, Lexi betrayed God by working with Lucifer secretly, so she fell, but was very sorry after so she is good, and has the pure glow around her wings too."

I looked at Lexi to see her glaring at me eyes filled with hate, she really didnt seem good to me. At all.

"Matt over here fell for being a stupid, ignorant boy, he got bored in heaven and thought that hell would be more enjoyable for him, of course it wasnt and he fell since the Devils didnt want an angel in hell."

This time I looked at Matt and saw a sad smile on his face he probably regretted his decision.

"Lastly, Logan fell by purpose he fell from heaven to protect me and Lila and help us get through life on Earth" Blake said his eyes portraying the love and appreciation he had for his uncle.

So I was in a room full of fallen angels and your probably wondering why I wasnt running away screaming like a maniac. Well it was because I know they wont hurt me, I wasnt sure about Lexi though, and running away would just upset Lila.

So I just nodded and smiled warmly at Logan.

"And so basically we are all Fallen Radiance" Blake told me gravely.

"Dont tell any one, you must keep this a secret, if your disgsting mouth spills anything I will personally hunt you down and kill you." Lexi whispered loudly her face dead serious. I didnt flinch at all and just glared at her.

"Dont worry Barbie your secrets safe with me, and I dont think i'm the one with a disgusting mouth, im not one to judge but just looking at you and listening to what people say, I can say that your mouth has been places my eyes havent seen" I backfired

Blake laughed loudly at that, Matt whistled and Lila had a big smile on her face while Logan just shook his head a small smile playing on his lips.

Lexi shut up after that and shot me glares here and there.

"Is that all you wanted to tell me?" I asked Blake

"No theres one more thing" he now looked uncomfortable.

"When I saved you from the truck I used my power to help you."

"Dont even know why he did that you should of just let her be its better for everyone" Lexi interrupted him.

Blake just shot her a glare which shut her up.

"Anyways because of that you are marked by me, which means you have some of my powers like strength and running fast, but your not as powerful as me, and thats not the bad news" he looked me straight in the eye and I gulped, it was so silent you could hear a pin drop.

"You now have demons looking for you, they can find you easily because you now have a particular scent, I have to be around to protect you, they want to kill us, on Lucifers orders and we know they'll strike, its only a matter of time, and when they find us they'll try and kill you too." He explained with a grim smile.

"No, this cant be happening" I whispered

"No, no, no" my voice getting louder

"I dont want demons looking for me and I most definitely dont want you around me 24/7" I shouted lying about the second part.

"I- I'm in constant danger now I'll be living in fear, what if they find me? I most definitely cannot defend my self, this is all your fault, why save me? your putting us all at risk and you hate me anyway, why?" I cried my body shaking and my sobs getting harder. By now everyone left and Blake was the only one there.

"Shh, dont cry" he whispered putting his arms around me

"It'll be alright, I'll protect you, we'll all protect you, dont worry Sienna, I dont hate you either, its just that I didnt want you living in danger kind of like whats gonna happen now and I didnt want to put the rest of them in danger either, but your just so stubborn" He said laughig quietly.

My sobs were dying down and I felt better knowing that he didnt hate me. I just hope this can end quickly.

Blake still had his arms around me and I couldnt ignore the fact that I had butterflies in my stomach, my heart was beating rapidly and so loudly I was sure that Blake could hear it.

"Thankyou" I whispered to him.

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