Chapter Three

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Authors Note:

The image linked to this chapter is how I see Sienna, but if she isnt how you imagined her, then its alright, its really just how I see her.  Isnt she beautiful?

Anyways Happy reading ;)


"Sienna, Sienna wake up you have school sweetheart" my dad shouted

"Urgh" was my reply he was in my room and was shouting at me, he should know I am not a morning person.

"You get ready I'll make you some breakfast" he said as he went downstairs.

I quickly got up and went to the toilet when i came out I got dressed in Skin tight black jeans and a crimson spaghetti strapped top which had small black hearts on it. I looked in the mirror and saw my emerald coloured eyes staring back at me, I had tan skin, dark brown wavy hair which went about halfway down my back and rosy full lips, people often told me I looked like my mum but she had blonde hair unlike me and she was absoloutely beautiful she resembled an angel and dad often called her that 'my angel'. I quickly shook my head and carried on getting ready I put some mascara and eyeliner on & some pink lipgloss. Satisfied with how I looked I put on a necklace wich had angel wings, it was my mums I loved it so much, it was one of the few things I had left of hers.

As I was going downstairs I grabbed my ankle boots and pulled them on.

I heard some voices as I was nearing the kitchen and I did not expect to see Lilas ass of a brother sitting there having a chat with my dad.

I was sure my jaw was hanging open and I  quickly shut it before he made a sexual comment.

"Ah Sienna, glad you could join us, Blake here wanted to give you a ride to school, hes our neighbour and in the same year as you" my dad said, smiles and all.

"Huh, its fine i can go on my own" I replied, glaring at Blake who was openly checking me out.

"But you dont know where the school is so Blakes taking you, eat your breakfast and go its a kind offer" my dad looked right at me while he said this

I just sighed and ate in silence. Feeling Blake's gaze on me the whole time.

"Bye dad"

"Have a good day honey" he replied

I stomped out of the house with my shoulder bag and shot a glare towards blake.

"Aw come on, dont be like that you know you cant resist me, im taking you to school in a way to say sorry for being rude yesterday I was a total douche bag" he explained.

"Your not sorry, Lila put you up to this, just take me to school" I snapped

During the shopping trip with Lila yesterday, I learnt a lot about her and her personality, she also had a very close relationship with her brother, she told me that he was very protective.

He replied by walking over to his sleek black sports car and opening the door for me "I can open the door by myself thanks" I said.

"Your right" he slammed the door shut and went inside the car.

I got in with a big sigh and he started driving to the school.

When I got out of the car I looked up at the brown buliding it was pretty big but not as big as the one I went to in London. "Blake, Blake baby" Came a screeching voice from a distance I heard Blake mutter under his breath and decided that I dont like the person whom this voice belongs to.

A girl wearing a glittery top and dark blue jeans came running over to Blake in her 3 inch heels she had blond straight hair and a face caked with makeup. I walked away from Blake and the barbie and ignored the stares as I walked into the buliding.

I got my timetable from the office and headed over to where my locker was. As I shut the door of it I was greeted by Lilas smiling face.

"Hey i'm in the year below you but we have lunch on the same period, do you wanna sit with me and my friends?"

"Alright, thanks" I replied, hoping that a certain blue eyed greek god would be there. What was wrong with me?! snap out of it Sienna hes been nothing but a douchebag and Im starting to have feelings for him! I freaking met him yesterday!! Stop it Sienna, you hate him you hate him I chanted in my head as I walked to my first class which was biology.

When I entered the class all eyes were on me, urgh I hated attention.

"Class i'd like you all to meet Sienna from london, you can sit on the empty seat beside Blake Rowe" Mrs smith my history teacher explained. I smiled at her in return and caught all the girls glaring at me with jealousy in their eyes most probably because I was sitting next to Blake. I took a seat and listened to the teacher.

"I'm looking forward to teaching you guys, just a heads up, you'll have to read a lot of text books". I heard groans around the class, while I grinned in anticipation, I love reading.

I turned to face Blake as he snorted and said "Reading is for losers, therefore you're a fucking loser" We didnt talk for the rest of the lesson. Wow he really was a dick.

"He can be a total dick I know" said a voice, I turned around to see a cute blond haired boy smiling at me "I'm Matt, and your Sienna" he said kindly

"Nice to meet you Matt, yeah Blake really is a dick I'm stuck with him for the rest of the year" I moaned

"Hes the total opposite of his sister but he can be cool he just needs to warm up to you" he said with a sigh

"You know Lila?"

"My girlfriend" he replied with a dreamy smile wow this guy was whipped like cream! they deserve each other. Matt seems like a great guy.

He walked me to the cafeteria and took me to the lunch line, he then walked over to Lila's table she smiled warmly at me then went to Matt and kissed him gently. I looked around the table and saw Blake with the barbie on his lap it looked like he was trying to pry her off him but she was oblivious to it.

"Whats she doing here?" asked the barbie

"This is Sienna, and shes my friend so be nice" Lila replied

"Sienna? What kind of name is that?" I turned to face the barbie and saw her twirling a strand of her hair while she asked this, I swear this girl was living up to the stereo types of a dumb blonde!

"Shes not welcome here" Came Blake's sexy voice

"yeah, shes ugly and shes not like us, I don't like her Blakey" Barbie said

"Excuse me?" I asked cocking my eyebrow Blake said I wasnt like him either. Wierdos.

"Get the f*ck away from this table" Blake glared at me.

I heard a few gasps around me.

"Gladly" I replied with hate gleaming in my eyes.

I was going to turn around and leave but not before I dumped spaghetti on Blake and Barbies heads, Blake just smirked and licked the sauce from his lips seductively causing girls to swoon, but barbie doll shrieked and ran out of the cafeteria crying. I flipped Blake off and walked away swaying my hips as I did so. Who the hell did they think they were? I did nothing to him and hes acting so mean! He wants me to stay away, I'll stay away I dont wanna be anywhere near that royal pain in the butt.

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