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i walked fast beacuse jack also jumped out of the car and was following me. "elsa! come here" jack yelled. i stared to run but he grabs my arm. i turn around looking into jack eyes. my long platnum blonde, curly hair spins with me." jack what is she talk about 'thanks for the othernight?'. and dont lie" i say with a tear running down my face. "elsa i dont know. i didn't even know she had my number" "save it jack" i say running into the woods. i keep running and running until i trip on a rock and fall. i start crying. my boyfriend could be cheating. this is horible. i cry harder. then jack picks me up and holds me to his chest. "put me down" i say pushing him away. "lets go home" i say "um elsa you got us lost" jack chuckles. "so this is my falut!" i yell "yep" jack says laughing agian. "jack what is so funny?" i yell. "you." he says. "im going home!" i yell and walk away. i walk for about and hour. And still nothing. I hear a snap." jack" I ask. nothing "jack!?" I yell again. "BOO!" jack screams jumping out from behind a tree. "ahhhh!" I scream. "JACK YOU SCARED THE CRAP OUT OF ME!" I yell and push him over. "ha ha ha you little scarredy cat." jacks says laughing. "yeah I'm the scarredy cat when your the one that is scarred to tell me what happened "the other night." I say. walking away. jake grabs my wrist and pulls me to the ground and into his arms. "elsa nothing happened. I love you. not punzle. remember what I did to get you to talk to me." jack says lifting up his shirt showing the big scare on his stomach and his muscles. I blush. "yeah I remember" I say. "and I believe you jack" I say hugging him. "good. now let's find somewhere to sleep befor t starts to rain" and when he says that it begins to rain. Sigh! after an hour of looking I finally found a small shack in the woods. "jack in here!" I yell. Jack runs into it holding my hand. Im shivering. I'm only in shorts and a tank top unlike jack who is in pants and a coat. "here" jack say putting his jacket around me. I lay down in jacks arms "goodnight" jack says. "goodnight"

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