~My good bad day~

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I wake up and walk to jacks room , he not there. where is he. I run down stairs and see him laying at the bottom of the stairs in a puddle of blood. "jack!" I scream and run to his side. "elsa?" he asks. "yeah I'm here jack" I say pulling his head into my lap. I see a cut on his lip. then I see his shirt. it has a big blood red blob on it. I left he shirt and see a big gash on his stomach. I grab the phone and call 9-1-1. I tell them about jack. after about 15 minutes they are here.

every ones awake and here watching with me. I'm in tears as they take jack out into the ambulance. "no!" I yell "what happened?" Merida asked. "I wouldn't talk to jack yesterday so he got drunk because he thought that would get my attention. then I toke him to his bed an he fell asleep but he must not have been asleep. this is all my fault!" I say letting more tear fall. "I know it is" punzle says to me. "shut up punzle or I'll snap your neck." lily yells. I cry so hard it hurts me eyes.

After hours of waiting they called us to see him. Punzle ran in first I followed behind her and put my ear to the door. "hey Jackie how are you." punzle says in a high, girly voice. "Fine" he says. "I was worried if you died I lost the money... I mean you" she says rubbing the back of her neck. "elsa was right you only want my money." he says "no I don't I love you!" she says "get out we're done" jack say. punzle then walks out. and I run in. "jack!" I yell with tears in my eyes "how are you?" I ask. "fine a bit hungry I think. I have a big pain in my stomach?" he jocks. I giggle. "do you remember last night at all?" I asked. "of course, I kissed the girl I love how could I forget." he says. I blush. "Do you really feel this way?" I ask. he leans up to me and I lean down. when are lips met I close my eyes and let it happen. he pulls away. "dose that explain anything" he asks smiling. "of course it dose." I say. wow to day was great and horrible. to days my good bad day.

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