Ben and the Beast*

272 9 7

Request by Snowy6789

Prompt: Beauty and the beast AU were Ian is the beast, Ben is Belle, and Jordan is Gaston

Warning: smut

Okay guys, this is by far the longest fic I've ever written soooo, grab some snacks, get comfy, and have fun reading~



Ben hummed a tune as he cleaned the house. Unlike most people, he actually quite enjoyed doing housework. Cooking, cleaning, and doing laundry were among some of his favorite things to do. Not because he was a neat freak or anything, but because he liked the simple tasks that he could do with out thinking. It left him able to daydream whatever he wanted while staying productive.

Sure, this set him apart from most of the other men in the village, but he never really was able to relate to them anyways. He wasn't big or strong or brave like them. He didn't spend all his time working out or hunting or drinking like them.

He was small and weak and couldn't even see a spider without freaking out. He liked to stay inside and safe and do all sorts of other things that were considered feminine, like gardening and sewing.

Ironically, his differences were also what attracted a certain local, narcissistic heartthrob to him.

Jordan had made it known years ago that he had his eye on the small male and had made countless attempts to try to win him over and gain his affection. Pickup lines, gifts, demonstrations of how he was 'the best of the best' in everything imaginable. You name it, Jordan had probably tried it on Ben... and multiple times at that.

Though, no matter how many times or how hard Jordan tried, Ben would always just deny or even ignore him. After all, he'd rather be with someone who loved him for who he was inside and cared about more than just their own status of being better than everyone else.

So, one day, tired of Jordan's unending attempts at pick up lines and flirting, Ben took his chance to escape and headed into the forest that surrounded the village for a walk. He wandered through trees and bushes, admiring the sights and sounds until a chill hit him and he shuddered.

Taking the sudden cold as a sign that he should probably turn back before a storm hit and it began snowing, Ben looked around. It was then that he realized that nothing near him was recognizable.

Great, I'm lost... The thought ran through his mind as he let out a sigh and made a hopeful wish that he was picking the right direction before turning and continuing to walk. 

A few minutes passed and he paused to rub his hands up and down his already crossed arms. It had quickly gotten much colder and Ben was regretting that he had left in nothing more than a simple long sleeve shirt, jeans, and old pair of boots.

Taking another look around, he noticed that he still couldn't recognize where he was. A feeling of dread set in as he realized that he must of wandered deeper into the forest and was even more lost than before.

Ben's dread only got worse as he saw a spec of snow flutter down in front of him. Hugging his arms closer, he started walking faster, desperate to find shelter before the storm picked up and got worse.

A little wandering later, a very cold, shaking Ben caught a glimpse of something through some trees. Heading towards it in hopes of finding shelter, he was relieved to find that it was an old castle.

As he got closer, he noticed that the grand building had quite a gothic theme and was giving off a rather eerie vibe. Though, desperate to get out of the cold, Ben tried his best to ignore the feeling and cautiously walked up to the door. He hesitate for a split second before easily pushing it open with a creak.

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