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Wooo, I finally got to post something that wasn't a request xD As much as I love writing what you guys want, I have a lot of my own ideas that I don't have the time/creativity to write afterwards...

Sooo, have a  cliche that I've wanted to do for ages~



 Ambrew had been casually walking down the hall towards his room when he heard a strange sound. Freezing in place, he let his curiosity take over as he followed the sound all they way to Ian's room.

Though, even then, the sounds were still hard to make out, so he pressed his ear against the door and tried to focus on what was going on inside. His expression quickly turned to a look of shock at what he heard.

"Spread your legs a little farther." Ian sounded like he was giving someone instructions.

"I c-can't... Ian..." The accent of the second man's strained voice gave away that it was Ben.

But what were they...?

"Then... just stay in that position for a little  while longer," Ian compromised.

A whine, "But it h-hurts."

"Well, this usually hurts when you're not used to it so..." Ian's voice trailed off in a teasing tone.


The other moaned, "Can I m-move now?"

"Does it hurt that bad?" Ian's voice showed a hint of concern.

"Yeah..." Ben's voice seemed a bit more strained.

"Fine, since it is your first time and your body isn't used to stretching so much, I guess you don't have to hold the positions for long."

Were they really...?

The other groaned before letting out a relieved sigh, "Thanks."

"Don't thank me yet. Let's try another position." Ian chuckled as Ben whined, "Don't worry, it'll be something easier this time."

The smaller groaned again, "Fiiiine."

Ambrew heard Ian give the younger more instructions on how to position his body and heard Ben moan a few times as the two moved around.

"Hmmm, arch your back a bit higher." Ian advised the other.

Ben groaned before letting out a long moan.

"That feel better?" Ambrew could hear Ian's smirk.

"Uh huuuuhh." Ben moaned again.

It couldn't be anything else, could it?

"Then try holding that position for a while, okay?"


"Cause it'll help your body get used to this kind of stuff."

Used to...? How often did they plan on...?

Ben moaned again, "Fiiine."

A moment later, Ben made a gasp, "I-Ian!"


"What?" Curiosity and concern were in the older's voice.

"It... h-hurts..!" The pain in Ben's voice showed he was telling the truth.


"Then... move?" Ian sounded like he was stating the obvious.

"But I c-can't...!" The younger seemed a bit panicked.

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