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So... I'm not dead... but I really just want to get out of this damn fandom and ship and I'm tired of writing this book so just take this barely edited one-shot and gimme a while to regret every decision in life before I publish the next (and last) one-shot in this book... I can't believe I'm ending on a kinky one that switches ship halfway through without any explanation......

Warning: mention of Mpreg and war



Sadie was walking to the market when she ran into another girl. Looking up to apologize, she froze and stared in awe as the other girl stared back.

The girl had the same straight brown hair and the same blue eyes and the same face as she did. 

It was like running into a clone with a different sense of style.

Sadie eventually was the first to speak, "Hi..."

"Um... hi."

"You... look like... me."

"Yeah... Um, I'm Katie."

"Katie? My name is Sadie... We even have similar names."

"Yeah. Hmm... when's your birthday?"

"February 21st. Yours?"

"Same. We're... like the same person."

"Heh, yeah."

"Um, how long have you lived here?"

"Since I was just a few years old. You?"

"Oh... me and my dad just moved here. He said something about how we were supposed to be here a long time ago but," she shrugged. "But um if you don't mind, could you help me out a bit."

"Uh, sure."

"Great, I was wondering if you could help me find my way back home. We live in an apartment on uh I think it was Green Street."

"Oh, I live just a few blocks from there. C'mon." She turned and started the walk to the street she was told. The two talked the whole way, laughing and joking as if they were old friends.

"Here we are! It's kinda lucky there's only one apartment building on this street." Said laughed, "I guess I'll be going now, it was nice meeting you."

"Wait, you can't leave yet."


"I have to show my dad, this is too funny not to. I mean... how often to you find your doppelganger?"

"Um... I guess I say hi."

"Great!" Katie grabbed her hand and dragged her into the building. They went up the elevator and down the hall to Katie's apartment. She unlocked the door and swung it open, "Dad, I'm home!"

"Did you get the food?" A male voice responded.

"Yeah!" Katie yelled back before setting her bags down in the small kitchen. "Come over here though, I want to show you something!"

A bit of rustling was heard farther in the small apartment before a tall man walked into the living room. "What is it, Sweetie."

"I want you to meet Sadie," she gestured to the girl still standing by the door, "I ran into her - literally - and were like the same person." She paused to take a breath before continuing, but stopped and made a face of confusion at the look of awe and disbelief on her father's face. "What's... going on?"

Her father ignored her question as if he hadn't even heard it and spoke his own to the other girl, "Do... do you have a birthmark on your left leg?"

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