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One-shots left (counting this one): 4

Warning: voyeurism, blow jobs, smut, noncon

Hope you enjoy!


Ben made sure no one was around before sneaking into Ian's room.

The older never let anyone into his room, but was currently busy in his office.

He searched along the dresser and shelves, looking for the picture Ian had stolen from him. He quickly looked over every flat surface and froze as he heard a sound at the door.

He panicked and hid in the closet, leaving big enough crack to look out of. He watched as Ian walked into the room and shut the door behind him.

The older pulled off his shirt and tossed it into the laundry, making the smaller blush. He pulled off his pants and Ben bit his lip to keep quiet.

Ian flopped down on his bed and pulled something out from under his pillow. Focusing on the item, Ben was surprised to see that it was the photo of him that he was looking for.

Ian ran this thumb over the picture before setting it down on the bedside table and picking up his phone. He scrolled though something for a while, occasionally stopping for a moment, before moving a hand down to rub himself though his boxers.

Ben blushed dark red and covered his mouth with both hands as the older groaned in pleasure. He felt himself getting turned on and it took all he had to keep quiet.

He watched as Ian pulled his boxers off and felt a surge of arousal go though him as he saw how big his friend, and secret crush, was. He muffled a small whimper as Ian started stroking himself and felt his pants getting much tighter.

The older groaned as he got harder and changed his hand motion to start pumping himself. He groaned more as his pleasure built up and Ben found himself getting jealous of the others hand.

The smaller felt his legs quickly getting weaker and weaker and decided to get down on his knees to make sure he didn't crash against the door. He was biting is lip so hard he was surprised it wasn't bleeding and didn't know how much more of the 'show' he could take.

He watched as precum leaked down Ian's hand and couldn't hold back the loud moan that came with a sudden, amazing surge of pleasure.

The sound caught Ian's attention and he got up to see what was going on, not bothering to put anything on.

He approached the closet and slid the door open, staring down in annoyance and amusement at the sight before him.

Ben, on his knees, with his cheeks dark red and his eyes cloudy.

Ian grabbed him by his arms and pulled him up before pinning him against the wall, "What are you doing in my room?" The words were practically growled out.

A small squeak was all Ben could get out.

"Speak." There was a threatening tone to the older's voice.

"I-I... was looking for my p-picture."

"Hmmm," he thought for a moment before glancing down and noticing the wet spot in the smaller's pants. Letting a dark grin spread across his face Ian continued, "I guess I can let that slide." Relief crossed Ben's face. "But I still don't like people in my room and think rule breakers should be punished."

Fear crossed Ben's face again, "P-punished?"

"Yeah, punished." He smirked, "And since you seemed to enjoy what you saw, I think I know the perfect punishment for you." The words were purred out in a dark tone.

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