Day 19: Barely Legal*

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This is a chapter from my 30 day smut challenge book, if you're interested, please check it out and maybe leave a vote or comment~

Sorry to those who've already read it~



Ben's father had been given an amazing job offer: great pay, great hours, great benefits. The problem? It was in America and he would be starting the next Monday. However, unable to turn the offer down, he and his family packed up and moved into a small apartment.

Though, it also meant that his son was pulled out of his classes and dropped into an American high school in the middle of the year. And it didn't take long to realize that it had quite the impact.

Ben, with his decent yet limited English, quickly fell behind in all his classes. He guessed on almost every assignment, test, and quiz he got, so it wasn't too strange when his parents hired a tutor to meet up with him at the library and help him out.

His grades slowly went up and, within a few weeks, he was passing his classes. Though, still not understanding the new material, his tutor would reteach it to him, doing so in a way that he would actually understand it.

The two spent a lot of time together, Ben's initial awkwardness and discomfort about getting help turning into giggles and friendship and, eventually, even a bit of flirtation.

His tutor, Ian, tried his hardest to ignore and push aside the giggles and blushing, waiting until he could take no more to say what he had thought since it first started, "Ben... you know we can't... be together... right?"

A curious look stared back at him, "Huh? What do you mean?"

"I mean I don't know how things were where you came from, but here it's very illegal for a fifteen year old to be with a twenty-one year old."

Ben blushed darker and looked down, "O-Oh..." A moment of silence passed, "H-how old do I have to be for it to... not... be illegal?"


The smaller pouted, "But that's soo long. It's going to be annoying having to waiiit."

Ian chuckled, "Well, you're going to have to, like it or not."

As the months passed, they went from only seeing each other at the library to doing other things together - going to movies, getting meals, even just picking a place to hang out at. They grew closer, learning all sorts of things about each other, and ended up with a relationship that they were both either oblivious to or in denial of.

Of course, all the things they did together were very PG. The nicknames, occasional hand holding, and rare times Ben would cuddle up to or sit on Ian's lap were quite innocent, after all.

Though, the day had to come that Ian forced himself to see reality and put somewhat of a barrier between them. They still hung out and talked, they had become good friends after all, but he put an end to all the cutesy stuff.

Well, it was more of a limit. There was no way he would of been able to completely keep Ben from doing the things that he so loved to do.

Years passed slowly, and Ian let the younger show more affection, figuring that with age the other should know the limits of what to and what not to do.

Finally, Ben's eighteenth birthday came around, the majority of which was quite uneventful. Though, that afternoon Ian had him come over to his house, as he often did, and they hung out for a while - eating pizza, watching TV, and joking around as always.

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