Stronger Than Most

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The gods had blessed this realm on this day. Clear skies, steady breeze, and perfect weather. It is the second day of Autumn meaning Alfablot is to be preformed. Each year a sacrifice is made to please the Gods and bless the upcoming season for a good harvest. Each year your family preforms the ritual two days before the first day of Autumn before travelling to Kattegat to watch the ritual there. 

You and Ivar have always loves to watch a sacrifice be preformed. Something about the blood fascinates the both of you. Being sprinkled with the blood from the hlautteinar is an honor. You feel closer to the Gods than ever when the blood is on your face. Ivar also feels this way. You have never seen someone who worships the Gods like Ivar does. It's one of the many things you love about him. 

On the horizon you see the tall mountains that surround Kattegat. Soon you will be on solid ground again and be met with the Lothbrok brothers. You have not seen them since Yule of last year so you are very eager to the boys, especially Ivar. If you close your eyes you can see his striking blue ones. How they seem to shine brighter than the ocean when the sun hits it. The eyes you can and have become lost in so many of times.

"Y/N. Open your eyes. We are here." Torfa, your friend, gently shakes you if you are asleep. 

You did realize how long you had been day dreaming about Ivar. One moment you cannot see Kattegat yet and the next the boat is being tied off to the dock. Even in your imagination you become lost in Ivar's eyes. He has such an effect on you.

Torfa and yourself are the first to step down from the boat and on the docks. Although Torfa is still a slave she is still your good friend and you treat her as a free woman. You promised her when she turns eighteen you will free her all you ask in return is she remains by your side. Since you made that promise the two of you are almost inseparable. Just with Ivar you have no have no idea what you would do without Torfa.

The two of you walk with your parents behind you towards the Great Hall. There Aslaug and the boys are waiting for you but Ivar is not with them which you find quiet odd. For now you ignore the burning question in the back of your mind of where he could be.

What you do not know is that Ivar sits nearby with the black smith. There he watches you closely as you greet his family. You look so happy but your smile does not meet your eyes. He notices that you look behind his brothers looking for something or someone. 

Then Aslaug points to where Ivar sits. He grumbles to himself and you smile when your gaze meets his. This time the smile reaches your eyes. Ivar tilts his head slightly again wondering why that is. 

"Why are you hiding over here?" You ask him, smile still curled on your lips. 

He rolls his eyes in annoyance that he has been caught. Huffing out a breath, Ivar finally speaks.

"I did not want to sit upon the ground. It's cold." He tells half the truth but you see right through it. You do that thing where you look at him through your eyelashes and tilt your head forward. Ivar silently curses himself. 

"Sure. I have missed you." That is the truth. You not need to lean down too far as you hug Ivar and he returns the embrace. You nuzzle your head against his shoulder hugging him tightly, taking in his scent. Ivar is not sure what makes him do this but he brings you closer to his body also inhaling your scent. You always smell so sweet. You notice how Ivar holds you but you keep it to yourself as a keep safe. 

Just like yourself, Ivar loves you more than anyone. Perhaps more than his own mother. But Ivar has never admitted his feelings out loud yet he is sure Aslaug knows. He is so afraid you will not love him in return since he is a cripple. Ivar would not be able to handle the rejection. So, he stays silent until he knows you are also in love with him.

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