Unlike Anyone Else

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You have not returned to Kattegat since seeing Ivar lost his temper. You decided it was best to create space between the two of you for a while. The choice was mainly for your own sanity and heart. 

You are now at shield maiden practice. Magnhild is teaching you how to utilize your shield in battle. Already she is impressed by how quickly you learn and the strength you have for a younger woman. 

Just as you are about to rush towards Magnhild, Asmund calls out your name. Sighing deeply, you set down your shield then follow the sound of his voice. Magnhild knows not to question her Earl's authority.

"Yes, Father?" You wipe your hands clean of the dirt on them.

"We must leave for Kattegat and soon. I have received word that Ragnar has returned from his years of absence." Asmund explains.

You have to take a step back as your head slightly shakes. You thought Ragnar to be dead. He has been gone for over twelve years. Part of you wanted to believe he was alive but now knowing actually surprises you.

Clearing your throat, you smooth down your hair letting Asmund's words sink in. "Okay. I will change and ready myself for the trip." You walk past your father to the Great Hall greeted by a very happy Ingrid.

The boats arrive in Kattegat days later. The bad weather made it difficult to navigate while also near impossible to sail. Asmund commanded the boats to stop three times since the rain and winds become too awful. Some event or someome has upset Thor.

Approaching the Great Hall you notice many people standing in a line. This catches your attention and you decide to investigate the situation. At the head of the line stands Ragnar giving away the treasures he has collected over the years. You stand in bewilderment. How can he do such a thing? All that gold, silver, and jewels gone. It's enough to last any man or woman many life times.

You slowly walk towards Ragnar grabbing his attention by calling out his name. When his blue eyes land on you he smiles from ear to ear.

"Y/N! My, look at how you've grown!" Ragnar exclaims. He excuses himself from the people waiting to give you a hug. You do your best not to gag at his foul stence. You question if he has bathed in the last twelve years.

Ragnar releases you but stays within reaching distance. "You have become such a beautiful woman. Tell me, are you a shield maiden?" He asks, needing to know the answer.

"I have not been to battle but I have been training since I could pick up and sword and ax, my King. I plan to join my father and the fellow Vikings in this year's raid." You proudly state. This brings Ragnar joy.

"Good, good. I am very happy to hear that. You will make a great shield maiden one day. Possibly become a legend." With those final words he walks away from you back to the chest of treasures.

It's unnerving to see Ragnar behaving like this; so careless and not himself. Not the King you once knew, the man you heard many stories about.

Taking one last look at Ragnar, in your own you say goodbye to him. Closing your eyes momentarily you ask the Gods protect him and welcome him to Valhala. With your peace made you walk away to find Aslaug. She sits in the Great Hall watching as the fire dances in the harth. You pull up a chair beside her and she greets you with a smile.

"Hello, Y/N. How are you, sweet girl?" She asks, smiling weakly.

"I am well. How are you, my Queen? You do not seem well." You point out. Aslaug's eyes are glazed over. Has she been crying? But she shakes her head and bites her bottom lip.

"I had a vision about Ivar. I watched him die by drowning in the sea. He will die when he leaves for Wessex with his father. Ivar will not listen to me. He does not care if he dies." Aslaug explains. But you are confused. Why would he be leaving for Wessex? It is not the time for the annual raid.

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