Promised to One Another

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WARNINGS: Abuse both verbally and physically. Mentions of rape. 

One would have thought this was a perfect day blessed by the Gods. There was not a single cloud in the sky showing a bright blue sky and the sun shines brightly. A gentle breeze picks up at just the right times which is refreshing to those standing outside. But inside the Great Hall a dark cloud of emotions fills the space of your bedroom.

Torfa stands behind you braiding your hair while you stare at the wooden floor. It is the day of your wedding and you are silent. No talk of how happy you are or how lucky. No bragging of Eirik. Just silence. The only positive to come out of this marriage is the benefits for your people. But that is not enough to bring a smile to your lips. They remain in a thin line.

Outside, you hear the guests clamoring among themselves. At least they are happy about today. Someone should be.

Torfa places the flower crown upon your head and smiles looking at you through the mirror on your table. "Very beautiful, my lady." 

You can't bring yourself to agree with her or look at yourself. It would just make this all too real. Somewhere deep down you wish this is a dream and you'll wake up any moment but no matter how times you pinch yourself or dig your nails into your palm nothing changes. You are stuck in this what is almost a nightmare. 

Ivar sits on a cut log talking with his brothers standing around him. It took two whole days to convince Ivar to attend your wedding. Ubbe and Bjorn practically had to drag him out of bed and to his chariot days ago. But it was Hvitserk's words that made Ivar stop throwing a tantrum. 'This day is hard enough for Y/N how do you think she will feel if you do not come to support her? Huh?' 

Ivar is still not happy but he is no longer behaving like a child so his brothers consider that a small victory in itself. 

"I think we should wait at least a week before asking her or Eirik. It would be rude to ask such a thing on their wedding day." Ubbe insists. 

Not long after the death of Ragnar, the Lothbrok brothers made a decision to call on to Kings and Earls from Norway and Scandinavia to form the largest army anyone has ever seen. They know of Asmund's and Eirik's armies. Their Vikings are some of the best but Asmund can no longer fight since he injured his arm. Ingrid would not want to lead an army alone meaning you are the next in command. With those two armies joining to avenge Ragnar's death they will already have the advantage. 

"Fine. A week. No longer." Bjorn huffs, crossing his arms over his chest. 

The playing of music distracts the men from their discussion of battle. Along with the other guests, they quiet themselves and look forward watching as Eirik walks down the path and to the alter. 

Asmund wanted the ceremony to be outside since it was such a lovely day. It was outside the Earldom in the forest under a great, big tree. The alter was made of evergreen foliage and sweet smelling flowers. It was a beautiful sight. If only it was someone else's wedding, Ivar thinks to himself.

Everyone else smiles as Eirik stands near the later waiting for you. But Ivar frowns, not allowing any feeling of joy to show. Then a woman gasps and Ivar looks up seeing you. For just a second he stops breathing. You have literally taken his breath away. Any other day you are a sight to see, the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. But today you are radiant. A goddess walking among mortals. 

Your hair braided only so it does not fall in front of your face. The ivory dress with subtle design and embroidery hugs against your curves in the most delicious way that it makes Ivar's hands tingle with the need to touch you. A necklace around your neck and earrings dangling from your ears to bring out the color in of your eyes and skin. Ivar swears you are not walking but floating. Freyja would be jealous of your beauty.

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