Until My Last Breath

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Your armada follows that of the brothers, rowing down the river towards Mercia. You stand at the head of your main boat, scanning the river banks and tree tops. The Saxons may not have the largest armies but they could have planned a surprise attack. You must always be prepared.

A horn blows in the distance signalling that all the boats shall stop and anchor here. You signal your warriors to get as close to the other boats as possible then gather their belongings so they can set up camp.

You grab most of your belongings then step off the boat showing your people where they need to go, what they should grab, and who shall begin hunting for food.

Knowing your people can handle themselves, you set out to pitch up your tent for the evening. Your feet ache and your body is sore but it will all be worth it when you help defeat King Ecbert. Then you will rest.

With you tent up and a bed is made, you search for Ivar finding him with his brothers. Ivar smiles when he notices you, pushing Ubbe so there is room for you to sit on the wooden bench. The brothers pause their conversation for a moment until you are sat down.

"It seems to me that the Saxons are like frightened women. Their heart are faint. I don't think they could truly trouble us." Ivar states with a coy smile. He looks to you as he takes a bite of cooked meat. You cannot help but softly chuckle.

"You don't know enough, Ivar. You have not seen enough. These are brave men. I have fought against them and you haven't." Bjorn inputs, putting Ivar in his place.

Yet as always Ivar does not stop talking. He must prove himself. More so since you are sitting beside him. "I can only see what my eyes tell me, Bjorn. What I see is a bunch of frightened people running away. I see their spineless god running away from our Gods." He glances at each of his brothers so they hear him.

"For once, will you just listen to our older and wiser brother," Ubbe hands Ivar a cup of mead, "These are not warriors. They are not the ones who are staying to fight to defend their kingdom."
He says as a matter of fact yet his tone is calm.

Ivar sighs, clenching his jaw. You shift in your place feeling as though you should be here. But you know if you try to leave the brothers will snap at you. So you remain silent and listen on to the conversation.

"Or protect their honor," Sigurd speaks up as he cuts away at the dead sheep, "For what is a warrior without honor." He smirks looking to Bjorn and Hvitserk.

Ivar scoffs, wiping his lips with his glove covered hands. That dark chuckle you know all too well rumbling from within his chest. You look to Ivar wanting to stop him before he speaks but it's too late.

"I don't know you tell me, brother. Tell me again how many battles have you fought?" Ivar taunts Sigurd.

You sigh. Having to look away from the brothers so you also do not say something you'll regret. For once you wish the youngest brothers would not argue with each other. All your life you have dealt with it and you are fed up.

"Same as you, brother. Only I don't ride around in a comfortable chariot." Sigurd retorts back, still cutting away at the dead animal.

You glare up at Sigurd. He notices but says nothing now. Instead Sigurd looks down keeping his hands busy instead of facing you.

"What you need to understand, Ivar, is that if you break up this brotherhood you shall not succeed. We have many challenges ahead of us. So if you want to keep arguing and whining like a little girl I suggest you leave. We don't need you." Bjorn's words shock you.

How could he say such a thing? They are brothers. They are here to avenge their father. All the warriors here, including yours, have followed each of the brothers because of who they are. It was Ivar's idea to form this army. Suddenly Bjorn becomes an ass now that he has some form of leadership.

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