Cannot Be Killed

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Ivar was no where to be found. You thought maybe he too hide away in the woods to seek solitude as you did. So you thought it best to leave him alone for now. Instead you found Floki carving away at a small boat. You approached him curious as to why he was doing so.

"Floki? What are you doing?" You ask, looking up at him as you stood on the ground.

"I am building a boat for myself. I am going to sail wherever the Gods take me. There is nothing left for me here." He explains still craving.

You were in the same position as Floki. There was nothing left for you in the land. Except Ivar but he will understand why you are leaving.

"There is nothing here for me either. That is why I am also leaving. I must return to my people." You admit to him.

Floki stops his craving to look down at you. "Have you told the boys?" He asks referring to the Lothbrok brothers.

"Not yet. I could not find Ivar so I came to you instead. I am afraid Ivar will hate me for leaving. I am afraid the others will hate me too. But this is what I must do." You affirmed yourself.

"They will not hate you. Those boys could never hate you. Especially Ivar. Yes, they will be upset but they will understand. Wait and see." Floki reassures you.

With a nod and tap on the boat, you smile up at Floki. "Thank you." Turning on your heel to set out to find the brothers so you may tell them about your departure.

Finally finding Ivar in the tent with his brothers, you make them all sit around a table grabbing their attention.

"What is it, Y/N?" Ubbe asks, leaning back in his chair then crossing his arms.

"I have decided to return home with both my armies. I no longer want to fight in battles and I no longer want to witness death of those I care for. When my boats are prepared I am leaving Wessex. I'm sorry." You finally say it. A weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

The brothers just stand there. What are they to say? You, their closet and most loyal friend, sailing away from them after this journey of avenging Ragnar.

"You cannot leave. You are part of the Great Army." Ivar scoffs. He half chuckles in disbelief.

"I was part of the Great Army. What we did here will go down in history. I have served my purpose to you all. My departure does not mean I love you all any less. I have responsiblites. I have an Earldom that needs me to rule and protect it." You further explain yourself.

Ivar shakes his head. Shutting his mouth, he leans back in his chair clenching his jaw unable to look at you.

"If you must go, then go. We will not stop you. If the Gods will it, we shall see one another again back home. Until then I hope they protect you." Bjorn supports your decision.

Ubbe and Hvitserk also show their support by tapping your shoulder and smiling down at you.

"We are sad to see you leave, Y/N but this your choice. We only want to see you happy." Ubbe adds.

"Thank you," You look to Ivar who still looks away, "Ivar, you are unnaturally quiet." You point out.

"What do you want me to say? Hmm? You have clearly made up your mind and I am not going to tell you what to do. I am not Eirik." Ivar fumes, spitting on the ground as he mentions Eirik.

You sigh. Looking to the other brothers you gesture for them to leave the tent. Taking the hint they leave so you and Ivar may speak alone.

"I know you are not Eirik. You are a far better man than he ever was. I understand you are upset. But you must understand that I am not leaving you. I still love you with every thing I have, Ivar." You remind him. 

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