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WARNINGS: Verbal and physical abuse. Mentions of rape.

The days following your wedding night, you avoided Ivar along with his brothers. You were too fearful of what they would do to Eirik for them to find out the abuse that was being afflicted upon you. If they harmed or even killed Eirik it would ruin every that is supposed to come out of the marriage. So you rarely saw them. When you did it was only briefly too afraid that Eirik or one of his men might see you. 

Then the day you had been dreading more than your wedding came. The day you were to leave your family's Earldom and go to live with Eirik. Torfa helped pack your belongings into trunks. Thankfully she was sailing with you. If she was to be the only familiar face in new surroundings then it was enough to help you through this process of leaving. 

Time came for you to leave with Eirik. You stood on the docks with Asmund and Ingrid and the Lothbrok brothers. You hugged both of your parents so tightly, promising to visit soon. Each of the boys wished you good luck while hugging you. When you embraced Ivar you risked the chance and kissed him on the cheek. His side burns tickling your lips. With that final sweet gesture you backed away from the small group of people who was your family. You fight back tears as you blow them all a kiss then step on to the boat. 

As the winds forced the boats forward, Asmund and Ingrid walk off the docks finding it too hard to watch you sail away. Bjorn, Sigurd, and Hvitserk soon followed but Ubbe and Ivar remained. 

The day seemed to match Ivar's mood; dark and gloomy. He didn't want this time to come. To see you sail away with another man. He sat upon the docks with Ubbe standing at his side. Ivar watches as the boats belonging to Eirik travel farther and farther away. He willed for them to turn around, to see you swimming back towards him. But it was too late. You were gone with your new husband and Ivar wondered if he'd ever see you again.

"Do not worry, little brother. She will return. We will see her soon to discuss joining our army." Ubbe reassures Ivar as if he can read his mind. Ivar wanted nothing more to believe his older brother but there was still doubt. What if Y/N never came back to Kattegat or your home? What if he could never visit her in her new home? Ivar would never admit this to a living soul but his heart broke as he questioned your return and himself. He could not live life knowing you were gone out of his life forever. It would destroy him.

"I should have fought for her. I should have told her how I felt long ago." Ivar admits out loud, hating himself.

"Perhaps but you could have not have stopped an arranged marriage." Ubbe points out. He looks down at Ivar whom is still staring out towards the waters although you are now long gone.

"I could have stopped it. I could have killed him." Ivar speaks his mind not regretting his words. He knows he could have killed Eirik the day before your wedding. Crawled into Eirik's bedroom while he was sleeping and choked him to death or slit his throat. No one would have known it was Ivar. Just a mystery.

"If you had killed Eirik then Y/N would have known it was you and she would never forgive you. You cannot be with your dream woman if she hates you for the rest of her days." Ubbe makes sense, which Ivar hates.

He may be speaking from anger, but Ivar truly could easily kill Eirik. It could have been the day before the wedding or any day after. Maybe Eirik can go on a hunting trip and something goes wrong such as he falls from a tree or drowns in the river. Everyone, including you, would think it was an accident while Ivar knew the truth and life would be better for it. He likes the idea of that.


The strong winds carried you closer and closer to your new home with your new husband. There you would be a Lady in charge. You would have people to lead, who would look to you for advice. But you were ready for that. 'If they stand behind you, give them protection. If they stand beside you, give them respect. If they stand against you, show no mercy.' The words of Asmund echo in your mind. That is the advice that has stuck with you all your life. It something to live by. Now that you will be Lady of an Earldom you shall use it. You will not allow Eirik to take that away from you.

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