Never Again

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Weeks had passed since Ivar left with his father. Each day your worry only increased. Some nights you had nightmares that you watched Ivar die but not by drowning, by the blade of a sword or beaten to death by a man. In your nightmares you watch as the light leaves his eyes. You will scream as loud as you can but it did not stop Ivar's death. On the evenings of your nightmares, your mother had to wake you because she heard you screaming. In the morning, after the first meal of the day, you waited for some sign that Ivar had returned. For so long there was nothing. 

During the day you distracted yourself by attending shield maiden practice. Taking your frustration out by fighting with your opponent. Some days you went too far hurting the girl you were practicing with but quickly apologizing. They never complained since you were the daughter of an Earl. Still you felt bad. Sometimes purposely letting yourself be hurt to distract yourself from the pain of missing Ivar. 

This morning your daily routine was interrupted by your mother, Ingrid. She had come into your room telling you not to wear trousers or a tunic today but instead a lovely dress. She also told you the servants were drawing you a bath. Without further word, Ingrid left leaving you very confused. But you obeyed her words. After washing yourself, you wore a blue dress with beads along the neckline and sleeves. Torfa braided your hair attaching small beads in the strands. 

You thought maybe Asmund's allies were coming to the Earldom. Usually Ingrid would tell you to dress appropriately, behave accordingly. You always became annoyed during those times but you put up that front for your parents. 

Yet today no one told you who was coming. Not even Torfa but again she never really spoke to you within the walls of the Great Hall. You wondered what was going on and who was visiting the Earldom today. You guessed you would find out soon enough.

Ingrid was waiting for you outside your room with a smile upon her face. Her hands were clasped together and pressed against her lips. You furrow your brows at her.

"Mother, is everything okay? You are acting very odd this morning." You finally speak your mind. She only shakes her head, taking your hand in hers.

"You just look so beautiful. I want you to know I love you so much, my darling." Ingrid embraces you in a hug, her arms holding you tighter than usual. You think you hear her sniffle but she covers it with a cough.

Standing just outside the Great Hall, Asmund does not look at you. It is as if he is purposely avoiding your gaze. You are becoming annoyed that your parents are not behaving like themselves. You want to know what is going on or else you might scream.

The sound of loud horse hooves break your thought. Looking ahead a group of six men ride towards your family, stopping only ten feet away. The man on the black horse dismounts and Asmund steps forward, opening his arms to greet the man.

"Eirik! Welcome, welcome! It is good to see you again." Asmund and this Eirik embrace each other, slapping one another on the shoulder. 

You look to Ingrid but she also does not want to meet your gaze. You open your mouth to ask her who these men are but your father interrupts.

"You remember my wife, Ingrid. And this is my beautiful daughter, Y/N." Asmund introduces Eirik to you. You look up at him his face unfamiliar. But he is handsome nonetheless. 

Tall, dark blonde hair, bright green eyes with small speaks of brown. Even with the layers of clothing he is wearing you notice he is muscular. His jaw is straight and structured. He almost reminds you of Bjorn or Ubbe in a way. Eirik seems to be older than you but not by many years.

"Hello, Y/N. I have heard such wonderful things about you. From what your father has told me you are quite the woman. It will be an honor for you to be my wife." Eirik speaks.

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