Chapter 2 "I need you, I can see you?"

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There were only a few days for Kids Chois Awards and you could feel how big it would be all. Really wanted to go, in these three years I always eh really fun and the food really is amazing - can it be that you are always thinking about food? -

That same I always wonder ah well, do not you get tired of talking to myself out loud?

And you do not get tired of spying? - I asked as he took a bite of breakfast toast.

-Who spy who - she said while coffee was served - I was not what I was looking out the window last night.

You're my sister, I have to take care of, is not it?

- Yeah, but next time, try to "take care" without me noticing. Like, I do not know what you have to care, you know Santiago a year ago.

- Yeah, but that means nothing, I have to take care equally I said as I need a kiss on the cheek.

Take my jacket and my bag and headed for the door, this time I would spend looking for Scott, only two weeks ago he had achieved his record and he had his own car, and as characteristic of him and he had assumed throughout the school . We met at a video game convention last summer, he lived in San Diego, but two months later moved to Santa Monica and accidentally agree in the same school. It was strange, and still is, despite being different we got along well.

Wait sitting on the three steps of my house until my cell phone vibrated. It was a message Breanna in our group chat. It was in Africa filming something very important and almost every morning we woke up with pictures of her with different animals, this time it was a giraffe.

Rico: Wooow who is who, confused me up

Breanna: Good day Mr. Fool, how the sun rose, it does?

Rico: Well, always good, a little training

Breanna: Can not be, and at this time, you're a fan of physical activity

Rico: "... Luckily I can live my appearance"

Breanna: "I was born under my beautiful star ..." jaa, these phrases are epic Freddy

Lance: Always with your perfect hairstyle

Breanna: Lance ....

Jade: Breanna ...

Breanna: Jade ...

Rico: Aidan ...

Aidan: Rico ...

Jade: Let sleeping neighbor, it is too early.

Lance: Yes, sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep in the car, do not bother me, I have a doctor in 30 minutes, I want to take.

Rico: Lately you spend sleeping, you are the twin Aidan

Jade: I'm not Aidan's twin. I said let sleep. Bre, here is early, there is not, but here.

Aidan: If you see mosquitoes from biting you a little.

Lance: Leave this quiet giraffe, did not want the picture, you look at her with love, but she cuts your face looking away.

Breanna: YA ME'll need LIM and I'll be very busy pulling me PICTURES WITH ANIMALS, if I want, and we formed a very strong bond.

Lance: Yes, if you want so while facing the other side.

These conversations cheered me morning was amazing how much he missed them, so to see us and tell us it was what I wanted most. The car horn Scott made out of my thoughts.

-Miner, good day- I said while changing songs on your stereo

- Or not, please, that Rock weighed again not - I said almost beseeching

- My car, my music. This, this I like ...

- Yes, but do not turn up the volum ... .. - It was an attempt in vain, that unbridled scream with which began the song had already penetrated my ears.

-What materials we have today? - I wonder almost shouting

Lower the volume on the stereo to answer - chemistry, physics, literature and mathematics.

Okay and how do you see that? - I wonder as I climbed the glass of the car, it was cold.

- Fine and you?

Badly, I hate chemistry, physics do not like, literature bores me and mathematics do not understand, but today will be a great day. I will enroll in your patrol Scaut, or at least I try.

-Sorry what? - I opened my eyes surprised

If your patrol, I would like to join. Hey do not say anything before, but in San Diego belonged to a group of Scaut, was the leader; but quiet, I do not want to be now, I'm not remove the "since" I want to be more relaxed, without many worries this year.

- Oh I never would have imagined.

-Yes I know - He said as he walked down the car's speed - Come on, go for a coffee.

Scott was so, if he liked something, if you wanted something sought him and took him, and as was his car were his rules. We got off and walked into "my" cafe, if for me that it was my cafeteria. Pedio a large coffee, while I only a half-moon. We had left the place, and I heard a female voice to us:

- Rojito ... here so early?

Hearing that voice I smiled and retraced my steps to greet her.

'From what I see you're a fan of coffee - I said as I smiled

- Yes, but this time I'm here for Scott- Turn to my left to present

Kindly and still smiling greeting to Elle Scott, we talked just a few seconds because we were 3 rush, she would have a meeting with production and could not be late, and we had all these complicated matters with boring teachers.

To get on the car, note that Scott still held his smile. Upon arriving at school, in the parking lot, also he continued to maintain that smile and before entering classes I said:

Better wipe that smile that Jennifer will notice.

- With Jennifer nothing happens.

- Yes, but better tell her that I think does not know yet.

The hours passed quickly and before I agree was back in the car coming home.

Aidan Tell me, tell me something about Elle.

-No I can not- I smiled

- How you can not, we're not friends? Are not friends to help? Come help me

-Are you crazy - I said as I laughed and got out of the car

Okay, not today but another day you gonna tell me.

Enter my room, leave the backpack on the desk chair, and threw myself on the bed, I was tired, calculationsmath, literature poems, formulas of chemistry and physics problems had exploded my head, I just wanted to sleep. Towards a while since I had headaches, I was getting used to feel a hole in my head, so I checked the time on my phone and do note that Jade had a message.

Before opening it, my sisterI'm calling to give me the vitamins I needed to take. I went to the kitchen and take them along with an analgesic for pain chasing me, now you know who would sleep and nothing would stop me until the afternoon.

I returned to my room to read the message Jade when I just entered a call, it was Elle.

Aidan ... I need you, I can see you?

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