⌜ thirty three ⌟

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❝here,❞ koeun smiled as he gave donghyuck the medal the guy forgot to claim ❝congratulations

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here,❞ koeun smiled as he gave donghyuck the medal the guy forgot to claim ❝congratulations.

donghyuck rubbed his nape shyly ❝thank you..

koeun giggled ❝by the way, where were you yesterday? i was looking for you.❞ she was supposed to give the medal yesterday that's why she was looking for donghyuck.

and she stumbled at the locker room, seeing mark and donghyuck together.

the guy turned red as he remembered what he and mark did at the locker room. ❝i.. went home early.

koeun knew it wasn't true. she saw them making out at the locker room and it hurt her. but she didn't want to be an asshole so she will just support at what makes mark happy.

she wanted to get mad at mark. she confessed to him but he didn't respond. he could have at least told her that he likes, or loves, someone else so that she won't think that she has a small chance.

but part of it was also her fault, she already knew that there is something between mark and donghyuck. it all started when she saw them together when johnny and ten brought her home. but even if she knew, she just pushed herself into thinking that she has a chance.


donghyuck turned around and smiled at jaemin who shouted his name. ❝just a minute.

koeun raised her head and stared at donghyuck. he is beautiful, no wonder mark always stare at him as if he was looking at a masterpiece.

i'll get going now.❞ donghyuck took a bow, a smile not leaving his face ❝thank you again for this.

she watched the boy hopping his way cutely towards jaemin and the other dragged him towards the cafeteria where the others are.

koeun sighed and turned around only to bump into a hard wall.

ouch?❞ she groaned and rubbed her nose. she then raised her head to see who she bumped with.

the tall guy was looking down at her, sending her glares.

she was supposed to be scared but instead, tears fell down and she was now crying. the guy was panicking on the inside but was calm on the outside. he wondered why koeun just suddenly cried, was he that scary?

the next thing he did was to hug the crying girl and patted her back, comforting her even if he doesn't know what her problem is.


jeno saw mark looking at somewhere and so he took this chance to get mark's pack of fries. mark glared at jeno and just let him be, he still has a burger with him.

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