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Name: Yoite Ren


Birthday: September 20th

Star sign: Virgo, the Virgin

Gender: Male

Height: 6'2

Blood Type: O

Ethnicity: Eurasian

Nationality: Japan

Class: 2-B

School: Sakiki High School

Occupation: Second Year High School Student

Family: Sora- Mother, Nanami Takagi- Cousin, Shin-father

Hair: Redish Brown

Eyes: Blue

Appearance: Usually wears a plain colored t-shirt and and pants.

Likes: animals, festivals, dango

Dislikes: People mean to animals

Fears: Clowns

Personality: Ren is kind to every one and oblivious when in it come to women Flirting with him. He tends to see things about people that others don't see. He has a short temper when it comes to hurt or mistreated animals and insults. He says what's on his mind and is not very easily intimidated. He becomes really scary when angered and is extremely lazy.

Hobbies: Sleeping, looking out after animals, being dragged to places by his cousin, helping his mom, spacing out, basketball and scaring people for fun

Skills: sowing, cooking, learning by observing, stealth skills, acrobatics, unbelievable speed and agility

Background: Ren's mom is a gifted designer, but works as a bartender. His father is a master thief that went missing when he was young.

When Ren was being born, there were complications which led to his mom losing her memory. On Ren's birth certificate only the name Yoite was written in down for his fathers name.

At 5 Ren and his mother were mugged. That day Ren vowed to learn to protect his mom. He did just that. He may not be a martial artist but he knows were all the pressure points are on the body. Not only that he pacts a mean punch.

Over time though Ren has developed skills of stealth. He can easily avoid detection by cameras and people, he can make it to where he was never in a place to begin with. With his skill of observation he is able to read the body language of others and can tell if they are hiding something or lying.

Ren went to a circus when he was younger and fell in love with the Acrobatics. Up until recently Ren attended acrobatics classes in the summer and on the weekends. He graduated from the classes.

Though he and his mom are poor, they get by pretty well.

He dreams of becoming a Veterinarian, ever since he was little he loved animals. He spent his free time learning how to care and about each kind.

At school Ren is not very sociable, but greatly admired by the student body. He has many female admires, though he doesn't know when they are flirting with him.

At the end of his middle school life he took several high school entrance exams. He got into Ouran and several others. He didn't want to put up with rich kids, so he chose Sakiki instead, which is closer to his home.

His cousin, who is his best friend, was depressed about his decision and Ren replied "It would save him time and money." Nanami often refers to Ren as "Big Brother" and people believe that they are siblings. Ren sometimes call her sister.

Nanami likes to bring Ren along on trips, school events, parties, ect. because Ren doesn't care that Nanami is rich and treats her the same as everyone else. She even sets Ren up on blind dates, that never work out for many reasons. Not only that Nanami tries to convince Ren to transfer to Ouran this coming year.

Nanami will do anything to get her beloved cousin to Ouran and a girl in his life. But not any girl, the one Ren needs.

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