A Day at Ouran

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I can't believe my mom signed those papers! Now I am stuck at this pink school all day!


When Nanami and I got to my place she ran into the kitchen.

"Aunty Sora!" Naomi yelled.

"Hello Nanami! I see you are lively as ever!" my mom greeted her with a hug. I strolled into the kitchen and started to make Curry. Nanami and my mom made small talk as I cooked.

"Before I forget, can you sign these papers? It's to let Ren stay a day at Ouran. I am hoping it will change his mind," Nanami said.

"I would be nice for Ren go there..." Mom went into thinking mode. She pulled a pen out of her hair and signed them. I sighed. She looked at me. "Don't you sigh at me Ren. All I want you to do is see what the school is like, you never know you might change your mind."

I didn't say a word as I continued to cook.

*flashback end*

It's been a week since then. Now here I am riding to the school with Nanami. We stopped at the front gates. I grabbed my duffle bag and climbed out. I followed Nanami to her class.

"You will be following me all day Big Brother, even though you are a year ahead of me," she explained. I stood outside of the classroom until the teacher called me in.

"You can come in now," the teacher instructed. I walked into the room and stood in front of the class. When the teacher saw me a light blush formed on her face.

"I am Yoite Ren, just call me Ren. I am visiting for the day," I said.

"Please have a seat," the teacher said. I nodded and sat down next to Nanami. The teacher started to teach stuff I already learned. Girls in the class kept glancing at me and giggling. I huffed and looked out the window.

*-*-*-*skip to Cooking class*-*-*-*

"Alright class today we will be making curry," the teacher said. The class cheered.

Are these people always noisy? Geez....

I stood next to Nanami and watched her get all the ingredients. Some students are fumbling with ingredients and others have no idea what to do. I left Nanami's side going to the front of the room. On the wall were pictures of different types of meals with their ingredients. I pulled out a notebook and copied down the recipes.

If I add some spices here.... and cook this less.... hm... Looks like I will have to go grocery shopping soon... Maybe I can make this into animal's treats for the animals at the shelter....

"Ahh!" a girl yelled. I turned around to see black smoke rising from a pan filling the air. Everyone was freaking out. I ran over to the boy, grabbed the pan handle and shoved under cold water.

"Open all the windows! Someone get some fans and air freshener!" I yelled. People scrambled. Soon the fans were pushing smoke out the window and the teacher sprayed air freshener to rid of the retched smell. I turned to the boy.

"Do you even know how to cook curry?" I asked.

"Yes I do," He said.

"Well obviously you don't," I said. He looked at me bewildered.

"Well congratulations runt, but you can't cook as well as me" he huffed.

"Is that a challenge" I asked clenching my teeth. He stepped up to me.

"It is," he said.

"Fine, I accept your challenge," I said.

"Person who makes the best curry wins," he said backing up and walking to his station. I walked to Nanami.

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