New school, New Fangirls

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 I steadily walked up the stairs of the pink school, well now my school. My duffel bag hung off my shoulder with my school bag under it. The phone Kyoya gave me rested in my right front pocket. I pushed my hair out of my eyes as I opened the door of the school. I was greeted with students laughter and chatter. As I walked past them a few girls recognized, unfortunately, recognized me. They squealed and surrounded me, pushing others away. Girls surrounded me on all sides. They were all talking at once, not a single word they said made any sense. I rubbed my eyes and yawned.

These damn girls are getting annoying.

"Alright! Get to class!" A voice echoed throughout the hall. Students rushed away heading to their classes. I continued towards the office, until a lady stepped in front of me. I stopped.

"That means yo-" she stopped when I looked at her. Her face started to get read. "You are new, aren't you?"

I nodded. "Yeah, its my first day. I need to get to the office to get my schedule. By the way I am Yoite Ren."

"Nice to meet you Mr.Yoite. I am Nya Misaki. I am a second year teacher," she said.

"Nice to meet you to Nya-Sensei. Please call me Ren," I said. She nodded.

"Alright, only if you called me Misa," she said. I smiled.

"Deal," I said. We shook hands.

"Let me show to the office," she said.

"Lead the way," I replied giving her the lead on gesture. Misa giggled and walked in front of me. She walked through the office door. The lady at the counter looked up at us.

"You must be the new student," she said pulling out a couple of papers. "Here is your class schedule, basketball games schedule, locker room number and its key. Hope you enjoying going to school here."

"Thank you," I said walking out of the office. Misa followed me. I held the office door open for her. She smiled in approval.

"What class do you have?" she asked.

"I am in the Second Year Class 2-B," I said. She smiled.

"Aren't I lucky! That is my class! Follow me!" she said. I followed her to the classroom. She opened the door and I fooled her in shutting it behind me. "Class! We have a new student today!"

The class fell silent and looked at me. I stood in the front of the class.

"I am Yoite Ren, call me Ren," I said. Some girls got hearts in their eyes, others blushed, and others glared at me. Some of the boys glared at me and looked like they could care less.

"Ren please sit anywhere you like," She said. I nodded. I scanned the room, spotting a seat next to the window and next to Glasses, Tamaki sat behind me. I sat down in that seat.

"Hey Ren! What a coincidence that we are in the same class!" Tamaki cheerfully said.

"There is no coincidence about it," I mumbled looking at Glasses. Tamaki talked excitedly behind me. Kyoya had a devious smirk on his face.

“Alright, class is starting!” Misa yelled. Tamaki shut up and faced foreword.


Throughout class we went over History, Language arts, and Math. Misa kept looking back at me. In history, we were reading the history of the Edo period, Misa made me stand up and read almost the entire chapter. All while she had this dreamy look on her face. In language arts, we started poetry, Misa made me read a mushy love poem and the girls in the class just loved, not so much the guys though. During Math, I had know idea what we were doing, Misa made students go up to the bored and solves equations. Kyoya had the least amount of time spent on the board. Then before the hour was over, Misa wrote a huge problem on the board, Kyoya even looked confused! She told called me up and said if I solved it the class wouldn’t get homework. I looked at the board completely confused, then noticed it was an exact replica of some equation off some American movie. I ended up getting it right. Thankfully, after math we had science with a different teacher.

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