Meeting the Host Club

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"Please!" Nanami pleaded grabbing on to my shirt.

"For the last time no!" I yelled as I tugged my shirt out of her grasp. "I am perfectly fine with the school I go to. I do not want to go to Ouran Academy."

Nanami started to tear up.

"P-please! At least come with me to some school events!" Nanami begged. I sighed.

"Fine! If it gets you out of my hair!" I shouted.

"Yay!" Nanami cheered.

"I just made a deal with the Devil," I mumbled.

"Yes you did! My car will be there to pick you up from school! You are going to meet the most beautiful people in the world! Bye!' Nanami said as she sped out the door before I could say another word.

"What have I got myself into?" I mumbled. "Mom! I am off to school and afterwards Nanami is going to torture me!"

"Okay! Have fun!" My mom shouted from the kitchen.

I walked out my door and headed for school. Halfway there I heard someone start walking next to me.

"Hi Hanna," I greeted without looking at the brunette.

"Hey Ren!" she greeted, linking her arm with mine. "So what you doing to day?"

"Going to school then spending time with Nanami," I shrugged. "You?"

"Well I am going to the mall with some friends. I was going to ask you to come... but you are busy," Hanna said. She glanced at me out of the corner of her eye.

"Well have fun," I said.

We entered the school building and I headed for my locker. I stepped aside as love letters fell out of it. I grabbed my school books then headed to class. The girls hiding around the corner looked heart broken then became very determined. I sighed.

When are the girls here gonna stop putting paper in my locker and stop stalking me? I keep on ignoring them and they keep persisting. They are so annoying...

I took my seat towards the back of the classroom. I put my head down and fell asleep.

"Ren!" a voice yelled. I lifted my head. "Please stop falling asleep in class!" It was the teacher. Though we went through this everyday neither of us have learned. I guess we are stubborn that way. I looked at him and fell back asleep. A book was slammed on my desk and I didn't move an inch.


The bell rang signalling school was over. I left the boys locker room wearing a dark blue t-shirt, a black hoodie, and blue jeans. I walked outside to see Nanamis' car already there. Once I climbed in we took off.

We pulled up to the overly pink school and soon as I got out Nanami started to pull me through the school. She stopped us in front of "Music Room 3." There was a bunch of girls standing in front of the doors. A bit later the doors swung open and flower petals fell from the ceiling.

What a waste of perfectly good flower petals. I pulled my hood up to keep the flowers petals from getting in my hair.

Nanami grabbed my arm and dragged me over to a tall blonde boy.

"Tamaki!" Nanami yelled. the blonde boy looked up.

"Well hello there Princess! It's lovely to see you again," Tamaki said as he kissed her free hand. Nanami squealed.

"Oh Tamaki!" she said with hearts in her eyes. I sighed. She came out of her trance. "Tamaki, I would like to introduce you to my cousin Ren."

Tamaki's eyes fell on me.

"Hello Ren, I am the president of the Ouran Host Club," he said bowing.

"Yep," I said as walked away. I was grabbed from behind. "Nanami let go of me."

"No! Please stay!" Nanami said. I sighed.

"You told me you were going to show my something beautiful. And there is nothing beautiful in here," I said. Nanami whimpered and she let go of me. She ran towards the door to block it when a banana peel came out of nowhere. She slipped on it and began to fall backwards.

"AHH!" she screamed. In a blink of an eye I caught her. I held her in my arms like people in dancing do when they do a dip. Nanami held on to my shirt with her eyes squeezed shut.

"Nanami," I said. She opened her eyes. "You are so clumsy."

Nanami blushed. "Th-thank you Big Brother!"

I helped her stand back up. I realized that everyone was looking at me and some girls were even squealing.

"Did you see that? He is so quick!" one girl said.

"And the way he gazed into her eyes while holding her in his arms! So romantic!" another said.

Why are they squealing? And what is up with the hearts?

I sighed helping Nanami up.

"I will stay," I said.

"Really?" Nanamis' eyes began to sparkle. I nodded. She squealed and ran over to Tamaki

Jeez... What do girls see in these guys anyway?

I sat on a hand and coach near the window. The sun shined brightly outside.

So pretty outside. It's probably peaceful to. Unlike in here with all these squealing girls. Man this is such a drag. I'd rather be home cooking dinner for my mom or patching up some clothes. Or maybe even go feed the strays in my neighborhood again.

A throat was cleared. I looked up to see a guy with black hair and glasses on.

"I believe we haven't met. I am Kyoya Ootori." He pushed up his glasses.

"Yoite Ren," I stated looking back out the window.

"Yoite? You are the one who was granted an athletics scholarship a few years ago. May I ask why you denied it?" Kyoya asked sitting next to me.

"This school is to far from home."

"That's understandable. Have you thought about transferring here?"

"Nope. Don't wanna and before you asked Nanami has tried to get me to. I like the school that I go to."

"Alright then." He got up and walked away. I swear he had that look in his eyes like Nanami does when she is thinking up of an evil plan.

A few hours pass and the Host Club is over with. Just as Nanami and I are about to leave Glasses calls for her.

"Nanami," Kyoya calls. Nanami stops dead in her tracks.

"Yes Kyoya?" she asks. Kyoya walks over to her.

"I am aware you are trying to get your cousin to transfer here, correct?"

"Y-yes that's correct," she stutters.

"May I suggest you bring him to school for a day. I even have the documents for you," he says handing her some papers. "All you have to do is get a parent's signature."

She took the papers. "Thank you Kyoya! If this doesn't get Ten to transfer I don't know what will!"

"I can think of a few things," he said with a evil yet knowing smile. Nanami squealed.

"Come on Ren! we have to get these papers signed!" She yelled and ran out of the room. I sighed and walked out the door.

Kyoya what are you planning? Well whatever it is I have a feeling I am going to be seeing the Host Club a lot more often.


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