Deal with the Shadow King

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I sat down on the couch in a huff. I looked at the Devil.

"What do you want?" I asked. Kyoya pushed up his glasses.

"Straight to the point I see. You see the information I have on your father is highly confidential. So, you are going have to do several things in return," He said. I leaned forward.

"What are they?" I asked through my teeth.

"Simple. You are going to transfer to Ouran," Kyoya.

"That's it?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No not even close," Kyoya said.

"Of course," I mumbled.

"Your are also going to work for me," he said.

"As what?"

"A personal bodyguard."

"I do not know how to fight," I said.

"I know, I took the liberty of signing you up on martial arts classes after club hours during the week. Lastly, you will be joining several things here," Kyoya said.

"Joining what?"

"The Host club as the "Heroic Type" and becoming the captain on the basketball team. Our team isn't very good and you are," Kyoya said.

"So, basically you are telling me if I want to information out of my dad I am going to be your slave," I said.

"Well when you put it like that, yes you are," Kyoya said. I growled. The Hosts looked at us.

"I don't think so. Would rather be poor for the rest of my life," I growled.

"It seems you don't fully understand. I will be providing transportation for you and paying for the body guard position. Also, having Ouran Academy on your college application is very impressive," Kyoya explained. I shook my head and stood up. "Did I mention, that Nanami will be over joyed to have you here?"

I stopped. I looked at Nanami. She was laughing hysterically at Tamaki's antics towards the twins. My eyes softened and I hung my head in defeat.

"You are asking a lot you know," I said.

"Yes, I figured that out," Kyoya said. I turned to him. "Do we have a deal?"

He held out his hand.

"I can't believe I am doing this," I said. I grasped his hand. "We have a deal."

"Good. Here," Kyoya said handing me a phone. "It has all the Hosts numbers, your mother's, her work, the dojo you are going to start attending, all the basketball players numbers, and the schools numbers programmed into it. There are also directions to the dojo from your house and here. Also, the basketball practice and games schedule are in there. As well as you training schedule. You will be starting here Monday."

I grabbed the phone from his hand. "Anything else?" I asked.

"Ah yes. Follow me," Kyoya said. I followed him to the Hosts. They looked at us. "I have some important news. This coming Monday Ren will be transferring to Ouran, joining the Host Club and becoming the basketball teams captain."

Nanami squealed and glomped me. "Yay! Thank you Kyoya!" I hugged her back.

The rest of the Hosts looked at me. That's when I realized I didn't know any of them. Tamaki looked me up and down.

"You would make a nice addition.Hm... We would have to change his look to match his type... Now his type..." Tamaki said with his hand under his chin.

"He is the Heroic Type," Kyoya said. Twins nodded in agreement. Tamaki, on the other hand, freaked out.

"Mommy! He can't be the Heroic Type! That is the Princely Types job!" He wined. Kyoya pushed up his glasses.

"It's the only possible type. Do to the fact that he saved his cousin from falling and the one of the home ec classrooms from burning down," He said. Tamaki started to grow mushrooms in the corner.

"Is he always like this?" I asked.

"Yeah. I am Haruhi by the way," he said. We shook hands.

"Nice to meet you Haruhi," I said.

This guy looks like a girl. Especially the eyes.

"I am Kaoru," said one twin.

"I am Hikaru," said the other.

Ah I see.... identical twins... well they would be if it wasn't for the looks in their eyes.

A small blonde boy ran up to me.

"I am Honey!" He yelled. "And that is Takashi, but everyone calls him Mori!"

I looked at the tall guy . He nodded at me and I nodded back. I looked down at Nanami.

"Can we go now?" I asked. Nanami nodded and dragged me out of the room.

Kyoya smirked at me. I growled inwardly.

What have I done? I made another deal with the Devil. I am pretty much his slave now.


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