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Sirzechs and Rias are both shocked at the fact that they've both been stripped of power.

Michael: Azazel, the fact that you've been collecting Longinus users in still concerning. Several Angels believe that you're building an army to attack heaven.

Azazel: Are you kidding? I'm a researcher, not a warmonger. I've been using them to study how to create artificial Sacred Gears. I was going to send copies of my research once I make a breakthrough.

Towa:*to Azazel* I've been doing some research as well. Maybe we can exchange notes on the matter and others?

Palutena: Azazel, thank you for being honest. It's greatly appreciated.

Sirzechs: But, how do you trust him so easily!? He could be lyi-

Crimson: Sirzechs, some people would take what you said as an accusation, and claim that you don't truly want peace between the factions.

Sirzechs quiets immediately

Gabriel: Grayfia, what is you're opinion on Azazel's offer?

Grayfia: I find it very kind of Azazel to share his research with the leaders of the Angels and Devils. Though it is fair for my husband to be paranoid. Since he just lost his job to his wife, and his sister was stripped of her power.

Crimson: Fair enough. But what should we do about the city of Kouh? All evidence turns towards the territory being purchased illegally.

Serafall: Then we'll just have to buy the land legally. I'll negotiate a deal with the Shinto Pantheon.

Azazel: Now, I think that we should hear the opinions of the Dragon Emperor's about the peace.

Vali: I don't care as long as I get to fight strong opponents. Like the Nephilim.

Crimson: Are you sure you don't have a death wish? Because I have holy magic, and Ascalon, which is a dragon slaying sword. You're half Devil and half Dragon.

Azazel: Moving on. Red Dragon Emperor, what is your thought on peace?

Issei:*is distracted by Rias's boobs* Huh?

Azazel:*tiredly* If there's no peace, you won't get to be around Rias often, because you'll be fighting. But if there is peace, you'll get to feel her chest whenever she says you can.

Issei:*gasps* Yeah! Peace is the best!

Crimson has Yang punch Issei into the far wall, using her robotic arm and her Semblance. The resulting impact sends the perv through the wall

Yang: He was getting on my last nerve.

Rias's peerage runs over to check on Issei

Palutena: Crimson, how were you able to reincarnate people into Nephilims?

Crimson sratches the back of his head nervously

Crimson: Ummm, I may or may not have gotten my hands on a set of Evil Pieces and reprogrammed them after replacing the Demonic energy with my own.

Ajuka: Well, how did you get your hands on the set?

Envy raises their hand

Envy: I stole it. You really should upgrade your security. I was able to slip past it twice.

Ajuka, Palutena and the Angels glare at Crimson

Crimson: Alright, alright. I put Envy up to it. But only because I was going to send the info to Azazel. Since the Angels have the Brave Saints, and the Devils have the Evil Pieces, I thought it would be fair for the Fallen to have a way of reincarnating people as well. That way they could stop relying on tricking Angels into Falling to raise their numbers.

Towa: I'm the one doing the research. He's been doing his own thing. The Evil Pieces actually have several disturbing parts in their coding.

All the leaders raise an eyebrow and Ajuka starts sweating

Towa: The pieces have a function that can force the person to do as their King says, no matter what. It also usually mutates the devil into a monstrosity and warps their mind into insanity once their King declared them a stray devil. That's likely why Kuroka is still unaffected.

Gabriel: Do you have an explanation for this, Ajuka?

Ajuka:*nervously* These were put into the Evil Pieces to make Strays more identifiable and to make it more like chess, where the king is in charge.

Crimson: You know what, let's go past this devil bashing and discuss the elephant in the room. Several Fallen, Angels and Devils have defected from their groups.

Azazel: Ah, yes. The Khaos Brigade. A group of defectors for several factions led by the infinite dragon god. I hear that the Hero Faction and the Old Satan Faction have joined them. They might become a problem soon.

Crimson laughs within his mind, not even letting a smirk show on his face

Crimson: I wonder how powerful their strongest fighters are.

Vali looks over at Crimson in confusion before time seems to freeze. Not in the way like Dio's Stand, bit everything just fades to grey while the leaders, the Sins, the Dragons, and the Heretic Knights are frozen

Sirzechs: That must be Gasper! Someone must have forcefully activated his Sacred Gear!

One of the walls collapse and magic spells fly into the building. Issei quickly touches the other members of Rias's peerage, freeing them.

Crimson: All of you, just sit back. Rias, just go get your Damphir and get out of here.

Crimson creates thousands of giant light Spears with explosive spells on the tips. The spells die down as the mages look to see if they killed everyone

Crimson: My turn.

As he launches the Spears, Anderson throws his Holy Bayonets, Yang fires her shotgun blasts, Towa fires Ki blasts, and Esdeath impales several of them with I while Link throws bombs at the nearest mages. After a few seconds of the bombardment, they stop. All that's left is a large crater and bloodstains

Crimson: That was easy.

Suddenly a magic circle opens in the crater and Katerea Leviathan steps out of it, a look of annoyance on her face.


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She turns to Crimson and glares

Katerea: So, the Nephilim decides to step in and fight. I thought that your win against Azazel was a fluke, but I was clearly wrong.

She signals for Crimson to play along and he grins

Crimson: So, the old Satan Faction rears its head. Still after the title of Leviathan? Because unfortunately, Serafall is doing a pretty good job as the Leviathan.

Katerea: As much as it pains me to say it, you're right. But I'm not here for the role of Leviathan! I'm here, to see if the daughter of God truly has shown up.

Palutena stand up and spreads her wings of light. And even from a long distance, small whisps of smoke furl off of Katerea's skin

Palutena: Does that awnser your question?

Katerea smirks and leaves through a teleportation circle.

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