Spit It Out

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Serafall looks in confusion at where Katerea disappeared with her mouth open in shock

Serafall: She.......She didn't attack me? She mustce had another reason for coming here.

Azazel soars past everyone, having been sucker punched by Vali. Everyone turns to the White Dragon Emperor.

Vali: Sorry Azazel, but the Khaos Brigade seems much more interesting. So Hyoudou, where do you think you stand in power? I would say 4 digits....no make it 5 digits, since you only have your incomplete balance breaker. I would say that I'm in the triple digits. Meanwhile, the Nephilim over there is in the high double digits. Ive looked into you, rival. Your life was boring until you got reincarnated. There is nothing special about you other than your Sacred Gear. Now, I wonder what would happen if I killed your parents. It's not like they're all that special. Your family is made entirely of normal humans with zero magical capabilities. Maybe then, you'll finally be worthy of being my rival.

Issei starts seething in rage as his Scale Mail covers him while Vali's does the same.

Rias: Issei!

The prevert leaps at the battle maniac and they trade blows. The words 'Boost' and 'Divide' sounding through the air

Crimson: You know, Issei is gonna lose. And I'm not gonna interfere.

Rias: Why?! He's going to kill Issei!

Crimson: Well, there's two beings that need to 'interact' with Ddraig and Albion. They get first dibs.

Golden armor with red gems appear on Yang's legs, spreading across her body, and ending with clawed gauntlets on her hands, a draconic helmet on her head, and glowing yellow wings sprouting from her back

???: Thank you Crimson, I have to repay those idiots for getting me stuck in this Gear.

Crimson: No problem Helios.

Yang flies up towards the two fighting devils and punches Issei in the jaw. A gunshot rings out and Issei is sent flying. She turns to Vali, who is sending a right hook at her. She ducks under the strike and hits Vali in the liver with a left cross. Another gunshot rings out and Vali is also sent flying.

Crimson: Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, the Golden Dragon Empress. For a while, I didn't even know she had a Sacred Gear. But it turns out, she has a Longinus Class gear that's even stronger than the two heavenly dragon gears. Though, that's because the dragon inside is Helios, the Dragon of the Sun, and the companion if Apollo.

All of the Faction leaders look on in shock as Yang starts decimating the Twin Dragons. Every time she was hit, the word 'Absorb' would ring through the air and shockwaves soon formed with each strike she threw as they grew stronger. Azazel even spits out the water he was drinking

Crimson: Apparently, Hellos doesn't blame Heaven for attacking him. Just Ddraig and Albion for drawing the Faction's attention.

Yang sends Vali flying after shattering his armor. Kuroka, Bikou and Arthur Pendragon appear and take Vali away, after Kuroka does a quick onceover of his wounds.

Yang: There, are you happy?

Crimson: Very, dear. Now, as for the Red Dragon Emperor, there's someone special that wants to meet him.

Crimson opens a magic circle underneath Issei and sends him off to Tiamat's cave.

Crimson: Well, now that we got those two out of the way, how about we get on with out peace treaty?

All the leaders just nod in shock and awe. Palutena is the first to recover and she clears her throat

1hour later

Palutena: Now, all we need to do is sign this treaty, signifying that we all agree on peace.

Rias speaks up angrily

Rias: Wait! He still hasn't said where he sent my precious pawn!

Envy: Oh my God! Can't you just stop thinking about yourself and look at the bigger picture!? Your pawn is just that, a pawn. A devil that's incapable of even using a magic circle! He's also pathetic in all other  aspects of being a devil. The only thing that he has going for him is the fact that he's the Red Dragon Emperor. But he does THAT terribly as well. Yang hasn't even been a Devil for a week, and she's already unlocked her complete Balance Breaker!.

Greed: Face it kid, you're not doing a good job training your peerage.

Rias starts fuming, but Crimson places a silencing spell on her and all the leaders sign the treaty

Crimson: Now if you'll excuse me, I have business to attend to.

Crimson and his group disappear, but not before Towa winks at Azazel. The silencing spell wears off of Rias, and she's still fuming. The Heaven and the Fallen Angels disappear before she can get a word out.

Tiamat's cave

Issei wakes up and looks around in confusion

Issei: Ddraig, where are we?

Ddraig: Oh no. Partner, you need to get out of here as fast as you can!

Issei: Why, what's so scary about this cave?

Ddraig: It's not the cave that scares me, it's the dragon within.

Issei: Whadda ya mean? Aren't the Heavenly Dragons the some of the strongest there are?

Ddraig: Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn

A thumping noise is heard from inside the cave. Loud and heavy enough to shake the water in a glass that's inside a Jeep. Tiamat steps out of the cave in her dragon form and looks at Issei

Tiamat: So, you're the new host of Ddraig. Ddraig, you better return that treasure that you stole all those centuries ago!

Issei starts shaking at the sight of the large dragon

Ddraig: About that.....hehe. I may or may not remember where I hid it.

Tiamat: Well, you're gonna be looking until you find it then. And If you don't find it, or if you don't look for it, I'LL BURN YOUR HIST DOWN TO LESS THAN ASH! I can tell that he's not a good person. So karma will not be on his side.

Ddraig:*scared* Yes ma'am.

Tiamat: And what about you, boy? Are you willing to repent for Ddraig's and your sins?


Tiamat rolls her eyes at the scared nature of the two and bats Issei away from the cave. He lands on the territory of the Gremory family, where he is found by Sirzechs and Rias, who soon nurses him back to health

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