What The Hell Happened (Peter Parker)

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I walked down the street to get to the local coffee shop. Today was a bad day so I just needed a coffee fix and sometime with my own thoughts.

"Can I please have a large coffee with some cream and sugar, thanks," I told the barista my order before going to a table and sitting down. I looked outside and saw the normal Queens, people on the phone, waking fast, cars, I even saw the local superhero Spider-Man. My opinion on him was normal but I liked him a little more because he was my best friend, Peter Parker.

"Miss, your coffee," the barista interrupted my thoughts as I grabbed it and thanked them before sitting down and drinking my coffee.

There was a large crash and soon I was on the floor of the coffee shop with the entire wall busted out. A person with a ski mask looked around and grabbed me since it looked like I was the only person awake or alive which made me shiver with that thought. He grabbed my hair and dragged me out of there. I tried to kick and punch him but he dodged all of them.

The masked man took to a car but Spider-Man blocked him from getting to it. The guys was to focused on Spider-Man so I dead legged him and hit his arm so I got out of his grasp. I stood next to Spider-Man and planted a kiss to his cheek.

"Thanks for distracting him," I told the masked hero.

"It was nothing," Then the doors to the car barged open and multiple men filed out.

"It's like a clown car," I exclaimed making Peter laugh. We went head on to the guys.

Most of them were taking out but one remained.

"Kid, remember keep your temper down," he told me before throwing something at me. It shocked me as I fell to the ground. Pain was searing through my body as Peter took out the last guy before going to me. I tried to get up but once my hand touched a price of paper on the ground it lit on fire. I looked in shock and fear at the burning paper. Peter looked at the paper then me and started to walk towards me. I walked backwards in fear but Peter was faster so he was in front of me. He went to grab my hands but I pulled them back.

"I don't want to hurt you," I told him. He nodded and started to examine my hands and paper without touching either. "Do you know what happened?"

"No, I'll talk to Tony, come on," Peter said steering me out of the place. "I need to carry you there."

I widened my eyes, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Just let's get some flame retardant gloves," Peter said. He quickly left to get them. "Here."

"Thanks," I said putting them on. Quickly but carefully Peter picked me up and made us travel to Manhattan and Stark Tower.

Peter landed on the roof and helped into a window. "Mr. Stark, Mr. Stark," Peter screamed.

"Welcome Peter," the robot I heard about named FRIDAY said.

"Hi FRIDAY, please tell Mr. Stark to come to the kitchen," Peter said. Soon we heard footsteps and Tony Stark appeared.

"Kid, I see you have a guest, who is this," The Tony Stark said.

"Yeah, we have a situation," Peter said nervously. Tony looked suspicious at us. Peter and I still had our arms around each other but I didn't move. Peter looked at me as if passing the mic to me. I tried to open my mouth but I closed it still trying to figure out what happened.

"We just need to go to your lab," Peter said. Tony nodded as Peter tried to move me but I stayed put. I couldn't believe that everything was happening. Peter picked me up bridal style and carried me to the lab.

"Ok, now explain what happened," Tony said looking at us suspicious. Peter dropped me down and set me in a chair since I was to into what could happen in the future.

"Ok, first stop looking at us like y/n is pregnant because she's not, anyway, this masked guy kidnapped y/n and threw something at her. When she got up she accidentally touched a piece of paper and it caught on fire. Before he threw it at her he said keep down her temper. We don't know what happened," Peter explained to Tony.

"Do you know the guy and did he get away," Tony asked. Peter shook his head. Tony looked relived but then looked at me which snapped me out of my trance. Tony looked back at Peter. "Is she ok?"

"Yeah," Peter said. I looked at him and then at Tony.

"I'm fine," I said. Tony nodded.

"Ok, I'm going to need to run some tests. I will just need a sample of your blood and some scans," Tony explained. I nodded and followed Tony to the first test.

After all the tests, I sat on the couch running my hands over my face. Peter switched the gloves out for oven mitts which I didn't really care about.

"When will I figure out what happened to me," I asked Tony and Peter. Peter looked at Tony nervously which made me lift my eyebrow.

"Well we already know," Tony said.

"What happened," I asked. Both of them looked at each other. After a while of science I started getting mad, "What happened to me, tell me Stark!" Still silence, "What the hell happened to me?" All of a sudden I started to feel hotter. Tony looked at me in shock as Peter looked scared. I looked at my arms and they were on fire. I quickly calmed down to stop that.

"Y/n, you have been damaged with a powerful atom changer. The guy who threw that thing at you used it on you which means that your atoms are now poisoned with fire atoms. I'm sorry but we can't separate them because there is a 98% chance that you would not make it. You need to learn how to control it and then everything will be ok," Tony explained. I started hyperventilating and freaking out but Peter came over and grabbed my head pulling his forehead to mine.

"Y/n we are going to get through this. Everything will be ok. Just let me help you," he whispered. I nodded and he kissed me slowly and passionately. After the kiss I started to calm down.

"Y/n are you willing to learn how to control them," Tony asked.

"Yes," I told him.  

I feel like I owe y'all a long chapter. Also part 2 coming soon.

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