Visting Family (Tom Holland)

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Yay!! I'm actually alive. So in this you can speak Italian but Tom can not. After everything that is said in Italian it will have the English translations in parenthesis. Also sorry if the translations don't match I'm using google translate so :/

My alarm clock rang making me get up as I could feel Tom also getting up behind me. I groaned and fell backwards into my bed trying not to get up to go on a long ass ride.

"Come on baby. This is the first time I'm meeting your family and I'm excited you should be too," he says grabbing your arms and pulling you up.

"See I get it because you have a wonderful family but mine, is just rough," I explain to him thinking of the best way to form into words. He sat down next to me and put my hands in his.

"Everyone families are rough. That's just what happens," he explained looking at me.

"No but my family is way different. They judge and lie. They don't say have a nice day they say "if you don't get an A on that test no dinner. Why can't we just say your sick and go out to dinner," I asked him. He shook his head and continued to get ready. I drooped in disappointment and continued to get ready.

The car ride was very long and there was a lot of traffic so when we got to my parents house the sun was starting to set. Tom grabbed the wine and extra food as we walked up to my parents house.

"Ok I got this I can deal with this," I whispered to myself as we walked up the steps. Tom rang the doorbell and I heard yelling until my brother opened the door. He let us in without saying a word as I gave him the middle finger walking past him.

"Y/n," I could hear my mom say sharply behind my back.

"Sorry mother," I explained grabbing the food and wine to set it down in the kitchen.

After that was done I introduced Tom to everyone. "That is my mom, Charles my brother he is 16, one of the twins Lela both of them are 18, my grandma and grandpa and my dad is stuck at work," I explained to him as they all just stared at him besides my grandpa because he is so old he has no idea what is happening most of the time.

"So your the guy that has been sleeping with my daughter," my mom said as she shook Tom's hand.

"Mama!!" I screamed at her as my brother and sister started to laugh. I have them a deathly flare before declared me and Tom should go wash our hands. When we got to the bathroom I took the water from the sink and splashed my face.

"Babe don't listen to them," Tom said wrapping his arms around me.

"Ok let's just get it through the night," I explained to him.

"Then maybe I can be what your mom said," Tom winked. I giggled as we washed our hands and walked back to the kitchen. My mom put dinner and both Tom and I looked at it then looked at each other. My mom made a casserole which Tom hates. It actually makes him sick.

"Mom. I told you not to make a casserole," I said though gritted teeth at my mom.

"No, no it's fine," Tom said trying to cut it.

"No, Tom. I told my mom she could make what ever but not casserole and apparently she didn't listen," I exclaimed grabbing his plate and putting it in the sink. "What do you want me to make you?"

"What ever it's fine with me," Tom told me as I started to make him mac-n-cheese. Since I was working in the kitchen that's when my family decided to pounce on him with questions.

"So Tom, how long have you been dating y/n," my mom asked.

"Well me and y/n have been dating for about 2 years next month," Tom said confidently. I looked at him through the bar and gave him a smile followed with thumbs up.

"Almost 2 years," my mom exclaimed looking at me and then Tom, "Why have I not met you before?" I walked back in and gave Tom the mac-n-cheese then rubbed his shoulders.

"Well it's really hard to plan this stuff with Tom's schedule you know," I lied to everyone.

"AN ACTOR," my sister exclaimed.

"Oh shut up, you always stock his younger brother Sam and let me say there is a lot more in her search history," I said pointing to Lela and ate my casserole. My mom spun her head to look at my sister as Tom gave a weird look at me.

The next couple minutes were fine. My mom was still mad about not knowing about Tom but she tried to hide it horribly while my brother kept on giving "I'm big and tough" appearance which he was failing miserably. My grandma repeated what my mom would say and my grandpa would casually fall in and out of sleep. Meanwhile my sister just looked at her phone. Everything was actually fine until my mom whispered under her breath as me and Tom talked to her.

"Risposta sbagliata (wrong answer)," my mom said after she asked Tom a question. I looked at my mom but ignored her answer. Since that's what my mom said my grandma said it also.

"Anyway, Tom why don't you talk about your brothers," my sister drooled. I chuckled at her and kept on eating my casserole.

"Well there is Sam, Harry who are twins and Patrick or everyone calls him Paddy and he's 12," Tom explained putting his fork down as if symbolizing he is done with dinner.

"Perché non ha finito? È troppo magro. (Why did he not finish. He's too skinny)," my mom commented looking at his  bowl which was only halfway finished. I looked at my mom and then at my siblings who were laughing.

"Non è magro o grasso. Lui è perfetto! (He's not skinny or fat. He's perfect!)I snapped at my mom and grabbed my plate and Tom's to put them in the sink.

"Non usare quel tono con me," (don't use that tone with me) my mom said as Tom stared at me with shock. I totally forgot that Tom doesn't know that I know how to speak Italian.

"Sorry mama," I said sarcastically.

"Guarda però i suoi capelli! Non è biondo." (Just look at his hair though! It's not blonde.) my sister commented on his hair. 

I looked around at my family as they kept on commenting on Tom in Italian.

"Non penso che y / n appartenga a Tom," (I don't think y/n belongs with Tom) my brother said. I looked at him with the most disgust and I was in so much disgust from the rest of my family.

"Non parlare mai con me o Tom in quel modo, in realtà non farlo mai più parlare con noi." (Don't ever speak to me or Tom like that, actually make it never talk to us again!) I screamed at my family before rushing out of the house and sitting in Tom's car. The tears started to rush down as I thought of what my family had said to me.

I heard the car door open and I saw Tom who picked me up and maneuvered himself so I was sitting on his lap. He put his arms around me and kissed the top of my head. Then Tom tickled my arms.

"I told you we shouldn't have gone here," I explained drying my tears.

"I know. Hey look at me," Tom whispered as I looked at him straight in the eyes "We do not have to meet your family for anything unless you want to. Also you never told me you could speak Italian."

"I guess it doesn't come up," I laughed as Tom moved to the drivers seat so he could drive us away.

30 amazing chapters. I know lately I have not really been updating but I am still updating and working on this book because I have 32 chapter ideas so far. Thank you so much for the reads and votes and I can't believe this is happening. Keep reading.

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