Laser Tag (Tom Holland)

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"Tom! Who's turn is it to choose the date," I asked my boyfriend who was in our shared kitchen eating cereal. He walked in and looked at the calendar.

"It's yours. So what are we doing," he asked sitting next to me. I looked at my phone and searched up "creative date ideas". Nothing to interesting came up so I looked at stuff nearby.

"Uuummmmmm...what about...hold on I'm thinking," I said as Tom looked at me weird, "LASER TAG!" My sudden scream caused Tom to fall out of his chair. My hand flew over my mouth to stifle the laughter escaping me. "What do you think of that idea?" Tom quickly got up on his feet and continued to eat his cereal.

"That sounds lovely darling," he replied while looking for more food to eat. I rolled my eyes at his hungry expression and walked to our room to get ready. "Babbbbeeeeeee!" Tom whined.

"What do you want now you big baby," I asked as Tom came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

He buried his head into my shoulder and mumbled, "Don't leave me!" I laughed at his whiney voice and slowly walked to our closet with Tom still holding onto me.

"If you want to go to laser tag you need to let go of me so I can fix the mess that is myself," I said wiggling out of his arms and grabbing a basic t-shirt and some jean shorts. Tom looked at me in disbelief and I know he was looking at me like that because of what I just said. I quickly changed and out my hair up in a pony tail, not bothering to do makeup because we were gonna go run around a lot. "Tom you ready to go?"

Tom grabbed the keys and looked at me, "You bet!" He drove us to the nearest laser tag place and parked in the front row. "There's not a lot of cars. Guess many people don't want to chase each other while pointing lasers at them in a very dark room." I stuck my tongue out at him and stepped out of the car. Tom put his arm around my shoulders as we walked into the place.

"What team are you gonna be on babe," I asked Tom looking into his eyes as he scanned the list of teams.

He turned towards me and our faces were so close our noses we touching. "I think I'm gonna be on team Spider-Man! What about you?" I rolled my eyes wondering why I even asked the question.

"Team Thor all the way," I joked as an instructor came out to explain rules and get us in teams and blah, blah, blah. "It was nice knowing you," I saluted Tom and went into my part of the arena. Tom tried to grab me and kiss me but I walked away to quickly for that to happen.

"3...2...1...GO," a deep voice said into a microphone symbolizing the start of the round. I started running around trying to find any other part of the avengers but I specifically tried to get Tom. Someone shot me but luckily here you aren't out, unless you've been hit 5 times. I hit some people but I definitely wasn't quite or slow. A wall collided with me and I fell on my butt whispering a quite "ow". There was a chuckled behind me so I got up and pointed my gun at them. They put their hands up in surrender.

"I won't shoot if you don't," I heard Tom say in front of me. Hesitantly, I put my gun down incase Tom was tricking me. Once my gun was at my side Tom grabbed me and lightly pushed me against the wall. His lips met mine while his arms snaked around my waist. My gun fell to our feet as my hands found his hair, slowly pulling it.

We kissed for what seemed like a minute until he pulled away and whispered into my lips, "I'm gonna win love!" He shot me as I stood their shocked at what just happened. Tom ran away as I screamed, grabbing my gun and following him. Throughout the entire facility you could probably hear his laughs and my angry scream. My feet stopped running when a noise came from my gun signaling I was out. I looked around to see a kid around 12 pointing their gun at me. One of the workers there called out that I was out and I slowly walked to a bench where you went to when you got out.

After what seemed like forever the round was over. I met Tom at the entrance to the building as we looked at the stats. Ironman won, Black Widow got second, Thor got third, Hawkeye got fourth, Spider-Man got fifth, Captain America got last. There wasn't a team Hulk because their weren't enough people.

"Ha, ha my team was better than yours," I rubbed in Tom's face. He just sat there, baffled at the standings.

"Well I'm better than you," he shot back. I opened then closed my mouth because I had nothing to say.

"Fine you're better," Tom danced around in victory, "But I win because I'm dating you!"

"I think it's the other way around darling."

Woah! I'm not dead! That's new! Hope you enjoyed the chapter. I am working on a chapter because homecoming is happening right now all over the USA. Speaking of which, every chapter I was thinking of shouting out a different country based on the stats of what countries are reading this book. After looking at the map I was sooooo happy! People literally around the world are reading this book. I don't believe it at all! I have a list of the countries Wattpad said that have people reading my book. Let's start off easy,

Shoutout to....The United States of America (my home!) 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Goodbye y'all!

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