What Have I Done (Peter Parker)

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The next morning

I wake up with a huge pounding in my head. A moving is next to me and I see I'm in someone's bedroom. Defiantly not Flash's. I start panicking because I woke up in someone else's room. The thing next to me flips over and I see Peter Parker. All of a sudden I start hyperventilating while he gets up wide eye when he saw who I was.

He goes to comfort me but I move away off of the bed but he looks at my body. I look down to see I'm not wearing any clothes. Quickly, I grab a sheet and cover my naked body with it.

"Y/n, h-how did this h-happen," Peter asked me.

"I don't know. Out of both of us you should because I would never have come home with you," I said starting to get dressed trying not to think about Peter and how to tell Flash what happened. We both were in silence as we clothed.

"How did this happen. I mean I know last night I was drunk but this," I wondered out loud.

"I had a drink but I can't believe I took you back to my place," all of a sudden Peter's eyes widen and he scrambled to the door and left. I got up and saw him scramble around. After looking through his entire apartment Peter finally sighed of relief and leaned against the counter. "My Aunt is gone. I forgot." I nodded before heading for the door. "Your leaving?"

"Well I have to go and talk to Flash."

"Oh, you don't want to stay and have breakfast," Peter asked.

"Sorry. I have to go," and then I closed the door. My mom called me making my hangover way worse. "Hi mom. Sorry last night the party got crazy but I stayed at y/f/n, I love you," and then you ended the call walking home.

"Flash can you come over I need to tell you something," you said seriously through the phone.

"Are you pregnant," he asked.

"No, just please come over," I replied.

"Ok, I'm on my way," and with that he ended the call. My mom told me she and dad would be home in a couple of hours which was good so if things got out of hand my mom isn't wanting to know the details. I hear a click and it's Flash walking in.

"Hey Flash," I said nervously.

"What wrong. You sounded really upset on the phone, who do I have to beat up," Flash asked.

"Stop please, I need to tell you what happened yesterday," we sat down on the couch, "after I left I bumped into someone, we started talking and... I ended up going back to his place." Flash's face was from, confusion to suspicion to anger.

"You cheated on me," Flash screamed jumping up.

"Babe, I was stupid drunk and he asked me," I told him. We fought for a couple hours about how I cheated but luckily he didn't ask who I had sex with.

"How was he," Flash asked.

"What," I asked looking at him like he was ridiculous.

"Was he good," Flash asked crossing his arms.

"Well, he was-was...different," I said.


"Well, nobody like change," I said coming up with excuses.

"Well, who was he," I looked at Flash and there was a moment of silence.

I started panicking, "Um...um....um, Peter," I whispered.


"Peter," I said a tiny bit louder. He put his hand up to his ear, "PETER PARKER!" Flash looked at me in disbelief and disgust.

"Y/n y/l/n, we are done. Our relationship is done and you may never talk to me again," and with that Flash walked out the door and slammed it. I looked outside and the sun was starting to set. All I did today was argue with Flash. Rushing to my room, tears were already rushing down my face as I pulled out my phone and tried to call Flash.

26 calls later and no answer. I then texted Flash.

Baby, I love you so much. Please I didn't mean it. Sent 6:47

Flash, it didn't mean anything I only care about you. Sent 7:13

Please Flash, your the only one I have love. Sent 7:46

It's sad because I'm still trying to get to you. Sent 8:58

I still am thinking about you. Sent 9:23

Please, I miss you Sent 9:36

I laid in my bed with my face red and covered in dried tears. I heard a slight tap on the window and looked up. The one and only Spider-Man was there standing on my window. He opened it and walked in. I tried to dry my eyes but it was no use, more tears were coming out. Spider-Man didn't asked anything he just hugged me and I cried into his chest. He smoothed down my hair as I cried and cried.

"What's wrong," Spider-Man finally asked.

"La-last night I-I was really d-drunk and s-stupid and I en-ended up with a-a guy. M-my boyfriend of fo-four years h-heard a-and b-broke u-up wit-with me-me," I said starting to cry harder. Spider-Man set me down on my bed and sat next to me looking at my phone. My phone had tear drops on it and read the texts. Surprisingly Spider-Man didn't scold me for cheating but just comfort me.

"I hope you know that cheating usually ends most relationships," Spider-Man told me. I chuckled a little at what he said.

"Yeah, I don't know. I mean, it's always said Your the most honest when your drunk but was that honestly what I felt. I love Flash and I don't get it," I wondered out loud. Then my phone lit up. Spider-Man looked at it.

"It says 'Hope you guys have a great life' and he just blocked you," Spider-Man said. I sighed putting my head in my hands. Spider-Man held his breathe and looked at me, "who did you do it with?"

"This guy named Peter Parker," I told him.

"Do you like Peter," Spider-Man asked.

"Well, I guess...I mean I've never thought about that," I confessed to him.

"What would you say to him if he was here?"

"I guess, would you want to get coffee," I asked.

Spider-Man took off his mask," Sure!" I looked at Peter Parker. We both smiled brightly and hugged.

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