Freaky Friday (Peter Parker)

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Inspired by the movie with Lindsay Lohan. Also warning, suicide talks and thoughts in this.
The hallways were crowded which made me even more mad. "AGGHHH," I screamed running past the people but I ran into someone making me even more angry. My papers were spread out everywhere and I cursed under my breath.

The guy I ran into tried to help me get my papers. I looked at him and all of a sudden I was about to die with anger. The man was Peter Parker. My ex. He broke up with my a couple months ago and I was still pissed at him about it. His face was red with embarrassment as of running into me. Everyone knows we broke up and everyone was staring at us. I brushed it off and grabbed all of my stuff but Peter grabbed the last piece of paper when I went to grab it. I was holding onto while he looked at it.

The paper was full of my doodles. I tugged the paper for him to let it go but he held onto it.

"Give me my paper," I whispered. He continued looking at it and his eyes fell on a paragraph. He read it as I gulped and tried to pull the paper out of his hands.

"How could you," he said tears in his eyes. Both of us were angry until I was thrown back into the lockers and fell unconscious.

I woke up and noticed I smelled like BO with body spray covering it.

"What the hell," I asked sitting up and looking around me. Across the room laid a body sprouted out on the bed in the health room. I looked at the body and soon realized that it was me. "AHHHHHH!" I screamed and the body fell on the floor quickly getting up and looking at me. Their eyes instantly went wide and looked at mine. I could see my eyes but behind them was eyes I knew too well.

"Peter," I screamed quickly covering my mouth as I looked at the guy who broke my heart. I looked down and noticed that I was in Peter's body.

"," (low key heard that in Janice's voice) Peter whispered before sitting down. "We switched bodies!"

"I can tell," I said annoyed with the fact that I was in my ex boyfriend's body.

"Just like the movies," he said looking at me. I nodded and soon thought of the movie Freaky Friday.

"Well we have to turn back," I felt tears sting my eyes but I quickly blinked them back, "Um...usually it has to do with what they said. Like...THE PAPER!" Peter nodded as I grabbed my-his-our backpack and grabbed the paper. I looked at it frowning. Peter grabbed it as we started to argue but nothing happened.

Peter sighed and looked at me, "I guess we have to go through the school day until tonight?"

"I can't. I...have something. Just let's talk tomorrow," I said. He nodded as I grabbed his backpack and walked out to his classes.

The day went by fine but after school was hell. I was broken while trying to stay like positive Peter.

"God I smell," I said walking to his closet and rummaging through it. A red and blue piece of fabric caught my eye as I pulled it out. I gasped and dropped it on the ground.

Laying on Peter's floor was the Spider-Man suit. "What the fuck!" I examined it and realized Peter was the Spider-Man. I have never had an encounter with the hero but I heard he has saved so many people. "Shit. I have to do this." I sucked it up and put it on before going to the roof of his apartment building and looked at the city before attempting to be the hero of Queens.

Peter's POV
Today was weird. Everyone was going up to me asking if I was ok and happy. I answered yes and went upon the school work y/n had to do.

When I got home y/n's mom came running to me and hugged me. I hesitantly put my arms around her as she held me close.

"I know today was probably really hard at school. In an hour we are going to go get some stuff for the funeral," she explained looking at me. I was confused. Funeral? What happened? Who died? "Are you ok?"

"I'm...ok," I replied. She nodded and let me go upstairs to y/n's room. Sitting on her desk was a letter. I walked up to it and read it.

The letter was a suicide note from her brother. Reading it made me cry and I never cry. Well...usually.

After reading the letter I called y/n to tell her I'm sorry but she never answered.

"Shit. Wait...who will be Spider-man?" I grabbed my stuff and ran to my apartment.

I knocked three times on the door and realized I would have to most likely talk to May and she would wonder why y/n was here. But I didn't have time to think because May answered the door immediately. She smiled but when she saw me she instantly frowned. Not mean just like a sad one.

"Hey May, is Peter here? I really, really need to talk to him," I explained dragging "really" out a lot so she would get it. She nodded and let me in. I ran to "my" room and opened the door to see the window open. "Shit!"

After three minutes of thinking what I could do I decided to climb to the roof and wait for y/n.

30 minutes later and I see someone sporting the red and blue suit I wear every night. They go to the roof and notice me.

"Hey Peter," I could hear y/n say with clenched teeth.

"Y/n we need to talk about switching back," I explain to her. She nods and takes off the mask revealing a face red from crying eyes full of pain. "Y/n what's wrong?"

"You could have saved him. YOU COULD HAVE SAVED HIM! While in your body I learned what you have the ability to do remarkable things and from that I know you could have saved him," she screams with more tears streaming down her face at an alarming pace. I look at the ground disappointed as I hear her sobbing.

Before she could hit the ground I catch her in my arms but she pulls away crying harder.

"I had no idea," I whispered to her. She snorts and wipes her eyes.

"Cause you don't care about me. I get it, you broke up with me because of this Spider-Man thing. broke up with me right before Spider-Man was introduced to Queens," she said while everything was clicking in her mind. She started to pace back and forth with her head in her hands.

I stood up and put my hands on her upper arms so she wasn't pacing, "Y/n calm down, there is no reasons on why we need to think about this right now."

"Get your hands off me," she screamed and stopped crying. I pulled my hands off of her and walked back so she had some space. I pulled out the piece of paper out of my pocket that we were arguing about earlier that day.

"Look, you don't want anything to do with me so let's just try to fix this ok," I explained. She nodded and grabbed the piece of paper giving me the death stare. "Usually in the movies we have to act opposite of how we switched so we have to be nice... At least pretend to be nice."

We both exchanged words and soon enough I was sticking. To the side of the building with my suit on but mask off. I climbed to the top of the building and saw y/n staring at me.

"Goodbye Peter Parker," she said before jumping off of the building. I screamed but noticed she landed and causally walked away with a huge dent in the sidewalk where she landed.

That night those words echoed in my head as I knew y/n was out of my life forever.

Geez I have been gone for ever so I made a long chapter. Your welcome. So sorry I've been gone it's just school is here and I'm depressed but I will still be updating so don't think I'm done with this book. I still have 20 chapter ideas so far.

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