1. Storybrooke

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I woke up and changed my clothes after my daily morning routine. I got dressed and headed downstairs. My dad was sitting on a chair in the dining room. He was reading a magazine while sipping his coffee. "Morning Y/N" he said.

 I smiled at him.  "Morning dad, where's mom?"

It took a while for him to answer, and he then puts down his coffee.

"She's at Ms. Margaret's house. She's discussing your grades" dad said. My eyes widened. "Wait... Why for what?" I asked.

"Because these days you've never seemed to be interested in school anymore," he said as he kept reading the magazine. I scoffed.

"Look Y/N, you used to get straight A's but ever since this fairy tale stuff you and Henry been talking about, it seems to lose your interest in school," he said. I rolled my eyes. 

"Y/N you're going to graduate in a year, and before you know it, you'll be applying to colleges! So I want you to get into the best college" dad said.

By the time he said that I headed out the door.

"Where are you going?"

"To Henry's house to study!" I lied.

I came knocking on Henry's door. I honestly love his house. I always loved going there cause it's so big. His mother, the mayor, always loved me coming because she told me that I was 'his only friend' in this town. Henry wasn't really socialized with other kids cause of his love for fairytales, but that didn't really bother me.

Ms. Mills opened the door "Hello there Y/N, why don't you come in?" she smiled with that same strange smile. I smiled back "Hi... uhh is Henry here?" I asked and she nodded. "I'll go call him," she said. I nodded waiting near the door.

Five minutes later Henry came.

What took him so long? 

I thought, then he smiled, holding the thick red book in his hand. "Hey, let's go to my room," he said. I squealed in subtle excitement and followed after him.

"Henry I'll be at a meeting with the Chief, just call me when you need me!" Ms. Mills called from downstairs. "Okay mom!" he yelled from his room. I came in and sat on his bed with a frown. 

"What's wrong?" he asked.

 I sighed "I'm failing in some classes and my mom is at a meeting with Ms. Margaret... about my grades," I sigh. Henry furrowed his brows. "What subject are the classes?" 

"Science and English.." I still frown.

"Hey maybe not history!" he said which brought my lips into a small smile. "Oh yeah! How could I forget?! It's maybe cause of all this fairytale shit we've been discussing that it makes me so eager to find out about the past" I exclaim but frowned again.

 "But that never happens."

"Hey do you know what'll cheer you up?!" he grins. "What?" I peek my head up a bit. "Granny's! Let's go there. I'll pay for us," he winks but in a cringe way. 

Grateful for the rare opportunity of Henry paying, I did not object to the proposal.


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