2. I'm in the Story?

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It was Tuesday already. The day after my test. My foot was shaking under the table, afraid of what grade I would get. Mary Margaret came over with a straight face on... that wasn't good. She handed me my math test. I looked at it.

 A+= 105%

My heart started beating faster in joy. I couldn't believe what I got! I guess studying paid off.

 "Y/N" Henry whispered. I looked at him "What did you get?" he asked. "I got a 105% !!" I whispered cheerfully as his eyes widen.

"Is that even possible?!?" he whispered. I shrugged "My mom took my phone away and forced me to study until 1 am during the weekend" I whispered back. " What did you get? " I asked. "I got a 95%" he said. "An A is still a past!" I said and we both high fived each other.

Class had ended, and I went up to Ms. Margaret's desk. "Hi Ms. Margaret" I said smiling. She looked up with a smile, that same sweet smile she always does. "I would like to thank you for giving me an A+ on the test" I said and showed her the paper.

 "Don't thank me. Thank yourself, you've worked hard for it. I heard that you studied" she said.    I nodded "Well it was kind of by force" I said with a slight laugh. I then put paper in my bookbag "Well bye Ms.Margaret, see you tomorrow" I said waving, she waved back.

I went to Henry who was waiting for me by the door like always. He smiled at me as we were walking down the hallways. "What?" I asked furrowing my brows. "Nothing" he said and kept walking so I paused. "I know your lying face" I said.

 He sighed "Come on, I'll tell you later" he said. Now I'm really eager to know what he has to tell me.


I dropped Henry off at his house. I know right? I'm such a gentleman. I began walking to my house. By the time I was there I was eager to tell my parents what I got. I came storming in the house all excited. "Mom! Dad!" I yelled, taking the paper out. This was the day I knew I would get my phone back. "We're in here!" they called from the kitchen. I quickly ran and showed them the paper. I waited for them to say something.

Their faces brightened up. "Good job sweetie!" mom cheered. "No, great job! See what we told you? Studying can get you somewhere!" dad said and they both hugged me tightly. 

"Now can I get my phone back?" I asked. They sadly sighed and my heart stopped for a moment. What did they do to my phone? "What happened to my phone? Tell me now! If something had happened I swear-" they interrupted me.

 " Surprise! " they yelled and there it was.

The new rose gold sbPhone 8 perfectly in a box. "Oh my gosh! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I squealed as they were about to hand me the box, they paused. "But under one condition..." my mom said. I was still so eager to have this phone. "You have to keep up the good work and mostly get A's, alright?" she said. I quickly nodded, and she handed me the phone. My eyes widen up like a butterfly spreading its wings. I instantly took the phone.

6:00 PM....

I just finished up putting in all my apps on my phone and downloading music on my phone. I got out the earphones that came with the sbPhone, and listened to some music. I added Henry on my contacts and started texting him. 

(The underlines= texting) (Y= you)

Y: Hey Henry!

Henry Bff <3: Who's this?

Y: It's me Y/N!!! I got a new phone!!!

Henry Bff <3: Bruh no way! 

Y: Hell yeah! Oh yeah abt earlier today, you told me that you'll tell me something important

Henry Bff <3: Yeah, but I don't really feel like explaining it to you over text

Y: I'll come over. I like ur house better anyways.

Henry Bff <3: K, I'll see u later!

I finished texting him, and put my same black coat on. I grabbed my new phone and headed out the door, telling my parents I'm going to Henry's.

 I walked to Henry's and arrived at his house. I knocked and he opened the door. "Hi" I said. "Is your mom home?" I asked.

"No, she went shopping for groceries" he replied. I nodded and went in "So... tell me about the thing earlier!" I eagerly said. We both then sat down on the living room couch.

He took out his red book I watched as he flip the pages. "Close your eyes...don't look" he said with a smile. I rolled my eye's and closed them. Henry stopped flipping the pages. "Open your eye's" he said. I opened them and looked at Henry confused .

"Why are you on the story of Peter Pan and the Lost Boy's?" I asked. Henry didn't reply. He flipped one more page as I was still looking at him.

"Because... you're in it"

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