6. Wendy... Wendy Darling

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Felix dragged me to a small cage without saying a word to me. He started tying my hands with a small rope. I found this an opportunity to break the silence. "So... uhh Felix are you a friend of Pan?" I asked.

 He ignored me.


Still no answer.

"Right-hand man?" I asked.

 I sighed disappointedly with the lack of "words" I was hearing. Felix roughly grabbed my tied hands and pushed me into the cave. I whimpered quietly.

Felix locked the cage shut. "I'll bring you leftovers of our dinner," he said and left. I felt my lips quivering into a frown. Tears started streaming down my face and I sniffed, thinking Why am I even here? 

"I know... that's how I felt" a voice spoke from the darkness. I quickly got my head up, and looked around, trying to search through the dark. "Hello?" I asked. Then some rattles came from a cage.

 "Hi..." the voice said again.  I looked in front of me and saw a girl, opposite from me sitting in her cage criss-cross.

"I'm not the only g-girl?" I asked with a quiver. The girl shook her head, smiling. I looked carefully at her features. She was quite beautiful. She had light brown hair close to auburn, fair skin, thin lips, and dark brown eyes. 

"I'm Wendy... Wendy Darling" she said with a smile and the same accent as Pan.


Her voice interrupted me. "Shush! Don't speak your name! Pan will hear it, so it's best to stay anonymous" she said in her calm voice. "Do you know why I'm here?" I asked.

 Wendy shrugged. "Did anything mysterious or magical happen to you?" she asked.

I scratched my head. "Uhhh... I remember waking up on a beach and staring into something like a dark creature, it had bright white eyes that kind of scared me" I said. "Wait... did you meet Pan's shadow?" she asked with a gasp. I shrugged "I don't know... h-how are you here?" I asked.

 She sighed sadly. "I came here for my friend Baelfire" she paused. "Pan took him... he only wanted the heart of the truest believer, so at first he was going to take my brother, Michael until Baelfire insisted Pan on taking him instead..." she said as her voice became weary.

"And so Pan took him... I felt bad so I came back to Neverland to get Baelfire, but I ended up here" she said.

 "What's your story? " she asked. I looked up "Well.." I said and then began telling her all about Storybrooke, Henry, my parents, the fairytale stuff, Regina, Emma, and the curse.


I finished talking about my life. Wendy and I shared a few good laughs, but I never once had mentioned my name. Wendy told me all about her life and how it was before Neverland. How she has her brothers, Michael and John, back in England, and how she wishes to see them. She even mentioned Baelfire, who she calls Bae for short. I laughed at that.

 "What? What's so wrong with the nickname Bae?" she wondered. I tried to hold in my laugh.

 "Oh, nothing... it's just that bae is a teenage slang back in the real world" I said.

"Well... what does it mean?" she asked. "It means like in a lovey type of way like saying baby or babe," I said.

She furrowed her brows at me and I sighed. "Well let's just put it this way" I started. it was as if I'm trying to explain modern slang to my grandma. No offense to Wendy. "If you fancy that person, then we usually call them bae, which is short for before anyone else," I said.  She curved her lips into an o. 


She then smiled. "We may had... umm I don't know how to put this... Oh! A bond, sort of" she said blushing a little. "Well I hope you two will meet each other" I said smiling. "Thanks." her smile faded away. 

" Sad thing is, I don't even know if he's still alive or not," she said with a frown. I shrugged slightly "We'll see, anything could happen," I try to be hopeful. 

A few minutes later, Felix came with two plates of food. One of them was steamy and juicy looking and the other looked like a pile of table scraps. I watched as Felix gave Wendy her plate and she happily dig in. Then, he gave me mine, which was the one of leftovers. I frowned as he handed me my plate. 

"Eat up and get some rest, Y/N, tomorrow's a big day" he said with a smirk and went away. I was shocked. "How does he know my name?" I asked. Wendy paused eating, also in shocked. "I don't know..." she said. This had left me with a lot of questions piling up in my head.


To Reader: Hey! I hoped you enjoyed this story! PLEASE READ THIS!!! I am going to be doing a second-person point of view from now on because I feel (and HOPEFULLY you too) that second-person point of view makes you feel like you're actually that person inside the book. So again, I hope you enjoyed it and have a nice day!!!

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