10. Camp

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The Lost Boys carried you back to camp, cuffing your arms. Pan had been waiting at the camp for everyone to come. The Lost Boys placed you on a log to sit down. The boys went back to doing their own business. You had been sitting down alone for ten minutes, staring at your injured arm. You touched your bruises, and bit your lips every time you touched them. 

"Pan wants to see you" a deep voice said,

 You looked up and saw Felix.

Felix led you to Pan's tent. He opened the flaps and released you inside. You were left alone with Pan. He came closer to you, and examined you with sorrow in his eyes. 

"Are you just going to stare at me?" you asked annoyed. "Come sit here, love" he went over to the bed and patted on the leaf mattress. You rolled your eyes and sat down.

He kneeled down and started taking some leaves dipped it in alcohol. Cautiously and gently, he lifted your shirt up.

"Woah there..." you pulled your shirt down. 

You blocked his hand from your fresh cuts. "Relax, I'm trying to heal you" he said. You sighed and let him continue. "Since when did you do that?" you murmured under your breath. Pan ignored you even though he heard it. 

"I-I thought you were going to kill me? You found me right- ow" 

You hissed when he applied the alcohol to your bruises.

"Yeah... we found you, but I gave you a chance for surviving through the night-"

He paused.

"I wouldn't want you to do the same thing since last time" he said. You stared at him in confusion. "Wait what do you mean?" you asked. He didn't answer your question, except whispered something under his breath. "There I'm all done" he grinned. You furrowed your brows, and looked at your stomach. Your jaw droppe.  Nothing was there. It was as if there were no bruises and cuts to begin with.

"How did you-"

He interrupted you.

"It's called alcohol" he replied. You rolled your eyes at that lie. "I'm not stupid" you said. He chuckled. "And who would be? I mean you can talk right?" he asked. You rolled your eyes. He then twisted your arm.

 You yelped.

 "What'd you do that for?!" you exclaimed. "It's fixed, isn't it?" he smirked looking at your arm. You looked at your arm, and it was surprisingly okay.

"Thanks" you murmured, hoping he wouldn't hear. "It was my pleasure seeing you hurt anyways" he said. "Come on now lost girl, I'll introduce you to the group" Pan said near the tent's exit.

 "Lost Girl? Since when was there a Lost Girl?" you asked. "Since you've arrived to Neverland" he said and headed out.

Pan loudly cleared his throat. Felix went and stood beside Pan. "Ok boys, so you all already know Y/N, right?" Pan asked. Most of them nodded while others didn't nod. "Well for those of you who don't, her name is Y/N" he whispered it to the crowd. The boys gasped "Where was she all these years?" a boy whispered. Pan shushed him.

"Ok that's it boys! You may go back to playing games, hunting, or training... whatever you boys do" Pan said, and clapped his hands. They obeyed him and went back. Pan started going in a treehouse with no ladders.

 "Wait Pan!" you yelled. By this time he disappeared. Suddenly you were in the treehouse, and you looked around amazed. "H-How did you do that? How am I here?" you asked. Pan just had a devilish grin on.

"What did you want to talk about, love?" Pan asked. You hate how he called you love. 

"Well Pan, first things first, I want to talk about a lot of things. Like why am I here? Or how did I win the game? Many more!" your tone was raising.

 He chuckled.

 "Let's go to first name basis, just call me Peter" he said folding his arms. "My shadow brought you here, so I honestly don't know why you're here" he simply replied, but somehow you had a feeling he wasn't telling the truth.

"I'm not an idiot Pan-Peter" you corrected yourself. "Your shadow did bring me here but there has to be a reason why I'm here. You know why I'm here, just spit it out" you sternly said.

 "Well look who's trying to act tough-" 

Peter then came closer to your face.

 "Never act tough with me" he said in a low voice

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 "Never act tough with me" he said in a low voice.

You tried backing away, but couldn't. "When can I go home?" you asked. Peter chuckled. "You can never go home to StoryBrooke, love. Neverland is your new home" he replied with a grin. 

"No-no there has to be a way! You know the way!" you said coming closer to Peter.

"You know what? If you're not telling me the way, then I'm going to find out for myself" you said. You started to walk out of the treehouse until you felt a strong grip holding your arm back. "You must've forgotten the treehouse has no ladder" he said. You let out a small awkward laugh. 

"Oh right, I knew that"

"Get some sleep, your training tomorrow" Peter said going inside his tent. You moaned, you didn't want to be any part of this. A boy named Hunter showed you your own personal tent since you were a girl.

 You thanked him as he headed out. You looked around the tent and saw stuff for girls. There were hair ties on a wooden dresser, a sea shell comb which you thought was cool, and a less boyish bed just for you made perfectly you wondered.

Who did this stuff for me?

It couldn't have been Peter. You doubts he knows anything about girls. It couldn't have been any of the boys on camp, but it could be a girl. 

Was this where Wendy stayed?

You left that thought to the side. You went over to your bed and tucked yourself in with the covers. It was surprisingly comfortable, so you fell fast asleep.

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