9. Pain

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"Wait if you're Tinkerbell, then aren't you supposed to have fairy stuff? You know like wings?" you wondered. Tink sighed. "I used to until people stopped believing and-

"The rest is history" she said with a small smile. You wondered what happened, but noises interrupted your thoughts. You and Tink hear cheering and whooping.

"It's the lost boys" Tink said in a low voice.

You had became more terrified as you just stood there in place. Tink quickly blew out the candles. 

You haven't moved one step. You were hovered with fear. All you could hear is your silent breaths. The cheering started fading as the boys went further away. "Twenty more hours till you can win this game" Tink whispered.

How does she know? There's no clock's in Neverland? 

 Tink moved a step a little forward. The floor creaked. You gasped in fear. "Relax, let's get some sleep" she whispered. Tink gave you big leaves, and handed you a pillow on the floor. She then handed you a soft blanket.

 You slowly walked over to a spot on the floor as Tink was already in her bed. "Try to get some sleep. You're going to have to wake up early tomorrow" she said. 

You pulled up the blanket and tried closing your eyes, but you couldn't sleep. All you could think of were the worst possible scenarios, like the Lost Boys barging in and murdering you. All the thoughts you had in your head wore you out. You fell asleep.

7:00 AM....

The next morning you woke up. You sat up to see that Tink was not there. Your eye's got wider as you stood up.

 "Tink?" you called out.

 Her bed was perfectly made as if she was never there. You looked around the room, but all her stuff was gone. You heard distant shouts

 Lost Boys

You knew it was them.

 "Hey! Let's go ask Tink!" a boy called out from below the treehouse. Your heart literally stopped for a second. By this moment, you were petrified. 

"Crap, what should I do?" you whispered to yourself, looking around. Just by your luck, you spotted a window.


You whispered excitedly. "Oh little Fairy! We're coming in! " a boy yelled.

 You started panicking as you tried opening the window lock tied with vines. " Come on! " you whispered as sweat started gliding down your cheeks.

 "We're coming in!" a boy yelled behind the door. You finally had the door open and saw how high it was. You cursed under your breath.

The door opened, and you hesitantly jumped down. Once you hit the ground, you were covered in scars and bruises. 

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