4. Curse is Broken

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1 year later...

I watched Henry as his eyes were closed. His poor lifeless body on the hospital bed. We both felt like Regina was starting to believe in all our fairytale stuff. Emma told me that he had eaten a pie that Regina gave her, which made him faint. I stood up and walked over to the table where the pie was. I took a good whiff from it. 

Apple Pie 

 This had to be Regina. She has an apple orchard in her backyard. I was flustered with anger. I couldn't be too angry or others will start being concerned. Even if I did tell them my reason for such anger, they wouldn't believe in me- fairy tales. Otherwise, I will make sure that she pays for this.

"Where is he?!" 

A voice yelled interrupting my thoughts. I turned around and saw that same evil queen.


"Get away from him" Emma said as she walked up to Regina.

 "Henry's my son!" Regina yelled 

"The one that you poisoned!" Emma yelled back. 


Emma gave her a cold death glare. "So you did want to kill someone!" 

Emma grabbed Regina harshly and pulled her to a room. I couldn't believe what I just witnessed.


 I heard the machine. I quickly ran over to Henry's bed and looked. His heart monitor was beeping rapidly.

 "Doctor Whale! Uhh someone!" I yelled. 

All the doctors and nurses came storming in surrounding Henry, pushing me aside.

 "Y/N, we would like you to wait outside" Dr. Whale spoke calmly. I nodded with tears streaming down my face, and went out taking the red book. 

Regina and Emma came out of the room near the hallway and they both seemed much calmer. "Y/N wait, why are you waiting out here?" Emma asked.

 "Henry... his heart t-the machine" 

They both understood, and rushed in the room. 

Ten minutes later, Regina came out. "What happened?" I asked standing up. Regina sighed and sat down. "They only want his birth mother" Regina said rolling her eyes and sat down. Regina and I had a moment of silence until she opened her mouth.

 "Why- " 

 The ground began to shake and a strong whiff of wind passed by me.

I fell down and hit my head hard. I touched my head and saw some blood. Regina rushed over to help me up.

We came in and saw Henry awake. "Henry!" Regina yelled and came hugging Henry.

 "Mom! Y/N!" he said. "H-How are you awake? The doctor said you might be in a coma forever" I mumbled .

"I-I just kissed Henry on the cheek and then all of a sudden the ground shook a-and a strong wind blew" Emma said with a blank expression.

 "True loves kiss..." Regina whispered.

 "What?" I asked.

 "I knew it! See mom I told you we needed a true love's kiss!" Henry said 

"H-Henry how?" Emma asked still opening her mouth after that. Regina smirked.

"The curse is broken" 

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