5. Neverland

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I opened my eyes. I looked around, realizing I wasn't in Storybrooke anymore. I was on a beach. I sat up, and saw a dark shadow with bright white eyes. I whimpered as the shadow came closer to me. I held my shakey hand up, signaling it to go away.

 "P-Please don't hurt me" I stammered.

The shadow didn't do anything, it just came closer. I scooted myself back more. "Who are you? Or what are you?" I asked still with a shaky voice. I blinked, and then the shadow wasn't there anymore.

I got up and brushed the sand off my clothes. I began looking around the beach, searching for clues, but nothing came to my head. All of a sudden, I heard music... but it wasn't any ordinary music. It sounded like a flute.

The music was soothing and it led me to a jungle. I felt like I was drawn to it. My body kept going, but my mind didn't want to. I walked as the music got closer. I pushed some branches out of the way, and there I was peeking.

I saw some boys about my age, and the youngest which I estimate to be five year olds. They were all boys, dancing around the bonfire while drinking. There was one particular boy with sandy blonde hair playing the flute. Next to him was another boy who had a black long hood over him. I squinted at the boy in the hood and his sandy blonde hair popped out a few times.

I stepped out from the tall bushes because I couldn't resist the music. 

The music and dancing had stopped, and all eyes were on me.

 "Well look who we have here!" 

I gasped and turned around to see the same boy who had played the flute. He had an evil smirk on his face with a British accent. "A girl... we don't welcome girl's here" he snatched and that smirk was gone in a split second. 

"Tell me. What's your name and why are you here?" he asked as he was getting closer to me.  "Who-who are you?" I asked not answering his question. Some of the boys started laughing and cackling. The British boy put his hand up to shush them.

 "I'm Peter... Peter Pan" he simply answered.

 My eye's had widen up. "W-We're in Neverland aren't we?" I asked in disbelief.

Then a grin went on Pan's face. "Wow... aren't you a smart one?" he said crossing his arms. The other boy's started laughing again. It wasn't even funny. 

I began to scoot further away from Pan and started running. All of a sudden, I bumped into something and looked up. It was Pan. I scooted back as he was walking towards me.

 I then bumped my back into something. I turned and saw the boy in the hood.

He was looking down at me with his scarred face. Pan kneeled down to me.

 "Like I said we don't welcome girls here. Don't you try running away, I'm everywhere. I have all ears on this island." he said in a low voice. 

"Felix, lock her up... she's pathetic" 

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