7. Child's Play

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(Y/F/N= Your Fairytale Name)

The next morning Felix had woken you up from your cage. You had not ate any of the food Felix had given you last night. You weren't quite comfortable enough to trust the boys and Pan. You just then noticed that Wendy wasn't here.

 "Where's Wendy?" you asked suspiciously. Felix shrugged and unlocked your cage."I know you know. I'm not stupid" you said. He rolled his eyes, disregarding your question. 

You and Felix were walking as he pulls the tight rope wrapped around your hands.

 "Hey" you paused at walking.

 "I was wondering how did you know my name last night? Did anyone tell you? Or did-"

You were interrupted by an angry sigh. Felix looked at you. "Wow" he scoffed. "Nothing is familiar to you?" he asked.

 You were lost for words.

 "That's what I thought" he said and pulled the rope.


Thirty-minutes had passed. You and Felix were still walking. Your legs were sore, and your stomach was growling. "Felix, I'm tired... Where are we going anyway?" you asked with a weary voice. You waited patiently for about a minute for him to answer. He was nothing but silent.

You almost fell asleep while walking until Felix pulled you harshly. Startled at that, you opened your eyes. You were at the camp from yesterday. "Why are we here?" you asked. Felix was still silent.

 "Felix?" you called out again. You turned around and he wasn't there. "Hello Y/F/N- I meant Y/N" a voice said. It was Pan. 

"Y/F/N? What are you saying?" you asked with furrowed brows. "Hm I guess Felix was right... you seem to not remember" he said. He started walking around you in circles with crossed arms. "First my darl- Y/N" Pan corrected himself. 

"First things first" he said. "Your hands look awfully uncomfortable..." he paused walking. "I'll take care of that for you" he grinned. He waved his hands from the bottom releasing the ropes.

You sighed in happiness that there was no more tightness squeezing your veins.

 "Now the reason why I brought you here was because..." 

"We're going to be playing one of my favorite games... hide and seek" Pan said with an evil grin.

 "I know you know this game already, but we play it here differently" Pan said.

You scoffed. "We're seriously going to be playing five year-old games right now?" you said, bringing out your inner teenager attitude. 

"No no Y/N, here in Neverland you never age. Here in Neverland we play games. And here in Neverland it's not the games that you think it is." Pan said. By this time your eye's became a slight wider than before.

 "Let me explain to you the rules. It's quite simple really"

 Rule number one you must hide at all times or else- " 

He paused and looked at you.

 "Or else what?" you asked furrowing your brows. "Or else you'll lose the game, and you have proved yourself you're truly worthless. If that were to happen, then we get to kill you." he said smiling.

"Or the beasts out there in the forests can just easily do the job for us-" 

"Oh speaking of beasts make sure not to run into them while hiding from us" Pan said to you like it was so simple.

 You were more afraid then you already were. "Now rule number two. Don't cheat obviously... I mean no one like's cheaters right?" he said it to you like a question. "Finally rule number three, try not to die alright?" he said looking into your eyes.

"You have about an hour to hide as in find shelter, food, and water" he firmly said. "After that hour we're going to start searching for you. If you have proven yourself for twenty-four hours that you haven't been dead yet, then game over." 

You just stood there with fear in your eyes. 

How did I come to this that far 

 You thought and gulped.

 "Tick- tock love, you can't just stay here forever" he said. 

"Oh... and remember I have all ears on this island, so don't you try escaping" Pan said. He disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Now this is the time you knew to run.

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