11. Target

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You blinked your eyes open, and realized that you were still in Neverland.

 "Oh good, you're awake"

A voice came.

 "Peter! You scared me!" you said sitting up. 

You tied your hair into a ponytail. "It seems that you're scared of everything, doesn't it?" he asked. You ignored him. "Have you been watching me sleep the whole time?" you asked.

He chuckled "And why would I waste my time on you? I have better things to do" he replied. "Anyway, today is training day for you, so get ready" he said and headed out.

You moaned not wanting to do training. You went over to the dresser and wondered what kind of clothes you have. You opened the drawers and saw old fashion clothes. You wore a white vintage looking sweater, and then wore black distressed jeans with black boots.

You headed outside after you were done. The boys had stopped chattering and looked at you. Some of them whistled. Some of them stayed silent.


You heard your name. You looked and saw the same boy. 


Hunter was a little bit older and taller than you. He had brown hair and brown eyes. He looked middle eastern. Hunter walked over to you.

 "Pan wants to see you" he said.

You sighed.

"Follow me" Hunter said. Felix also followed you to help Hunter guard you. You were walking in the forest between them. "Guys, this is unecessary" you said folding your arms. Felix and Hunter ignored your small remark. 

"Ahh... ok I see the quiet game, well you guys do love games" 

You were the only one talking and getting frustrated that they hadn't said anything to you. 

The three of you kept walking, and as you kept walking, you grew bored. "How long does it take to see Peter?" you asked. Both of them were getting annoyed of you. "We're almost there, now shut up" Felix bitterly replied. You held up a finger at his back. "I saw that" Hunter whispered in your ear, startling you. You gasped.

 "I won't tell" 

He put his index finger to his lips.

Some time had pass by, and Felix and Hunter brought you to Peter. Peter was just waiting there with an arrow shooting it at a perfect target to a bird. You gasped. "Took you all long enough" he said. "Don't blame us, Y/N, here has been annoying as hell.. like usual" Felix said. You rolled your eyes. "Anyways, let's start training" Peter said. He looked at your outfit which brought back memories to him.

Flashback at Your Second Year in Neverland

"Hey Peter, whatcha think of this outfit?" you asked. Peter looked at you like you were a trophy. "Hello?" you asked, interrupting his thoughts. "Why are you asking me?"  he asked. You shrugged. "I don't know, I just thought it'll be fun to show you the styles back in my village" you grinned. "I'll show you more, get ready!" you chuckled ."Oh no... not again" Peter whined slapping his hand on his forehead. You laughed evilly.


You called out. "I asked you a question!" you said.

"Well no time for questions lets get to training now, shall we?" Peter said as he walked over to get more arrows. 

"Here catch"

 He tossed you an arrow, but you didn't catch it. "I see you need help with catching" he said sharpening his arrow. You scoffed.

 "From you?" you asked. "I am going to train you, aren't I?" he asked. You glared at him. "Let's officially start" Peter said. You moaned, not in the mood for this. "Hey Peter, she's gonna be doing that sooner or later" Felix said smirking with that dirty mind of his. You realized what he said, and gave him a disgusted look.

"First things first, I'll teach you how to shoot an arrow" Peter said pointing the arrow towards you. "Now, go over to the tree" he ordered. You didn't move. "It's all about trust, love. Now go to the tree" he demanded. You sighed and nervously walked to the tree. "Stay still" Peter said closing one eye as he focused on the target. "W-What's the target?" you asked. "It's on the top of your head" he said pointing the arrow at you. 


You felt the target. It was an apple. 

"I said stay still" Peter said again. You stopped shaking from the fear and stood still, holding your breath. The arrow flew out from the crossbow.


Author's Note:

Hey readers! I'm so sorry I haven't updated for a while. I didn't think you guys would actually like this story, and wanted updates. If you want my updates to be consistent and sooner, please let me know by commenting down below! 

- Thank you, love you guyssssss <3 

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