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I am deleting a buttload of stories so be prepared if my stories disappear. This is my warning, I'd like a fresh start before school begins, bye!

Also, don't flame me for this because I've been rereading all of my stories and most of them have too crinkly and shredded plots to actually work and a lot of them don't make that much sense to my preteen mind. I like to be logical, and a lot of these stories are choppy and un-logical. I'm sorry, okay? I know you like some of them which is why I won't delete all of them. But some of these—they've gotta go.

You hate me, that's fine. You flame me, that's fine. You discriminate me, I'm okay with that.

But mess with my friends. . .

Did I mention we call deandryl the Sixth Satan for a reason?


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