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On the eve of July 31st a beautiful baby boy was born to his excited parents. The newborn grew and thrived surrounded by many people who adored him and showered him with love. Upon entering his first birthday the happy family received news of a terrible evil looming on the horizon. The trio went into hiding and lived contentedly for another few months. During these months the boys mother continued to work despite the abundance of money the family had while the boys father worked with his most trusted friends to ensure the protection of his family.

One evening the boys mother sat rocking the child and trying to silence the baby's whimpers as they awaited their missing family member who had yet to come home from his trip to Gringotts. When the wards around their home shifted and allowed the tall man to pop into his child's nursery. The couple began to frantically whisper to one another trying not to wake the now sleeping child as objects flew around, shrinking before being neatly folded by magic into a soft pastel blue baby bag. Time seemed to stop as they felt the wards on their home drop and watched the person they feared appear in their sons nursery. The couple were knocked aside by a strong force and the baby was ripped out of his mothers outraged and pleading arms. In all of seconds the couple were knocked out and their crying child was taken from them and whisked out of the safety of their manor. The tall wizard held the squirming child delicately as he cast powerful magic over him and the home located on Privet Drive. When he finished the boys long black hair had been glamoured to be curly and a dark chocolate brown while his hazel eyes with hints of red were now a brilliant killing curse green. His pure unblemished skin now was marred by a deep red gash in the shape of a lightning bolt.

The white haired man placed the baby gently in a box which he unshrunk from the pocket of his robes and dropped an envelope next to him addressed to 'Mrs. Petunia Dursley' before turning around and disappearing after a few sharp knocks on the door of Number 4 Privet Drive. The door was opened by a grumbling woman who stood shocked for a moment before she picked up the box roughly almost dropping the baby in the process. "VERNON," she called through the house looking in disgust at the small creature that she had brought into her home. "I couldn't just leave him out on the street, what would the neighbors think," she voiced to her husband before ripping the envelope open almost tearing its contents in the process. She and her husband spent the rest of the night arguing over its contents both deciding to at the first chance possible to rid themselves of the Potter boy before he had the chance to taint their 'miracle' of a son. The preschooler who lay in his bed upstairs surrounded by mountains of toys slept happily unaware of the events going on below him. They were mistaken however, they would not easily get rid of the child. He would live under their care for the first fourteen years of his life.

When Harry James Potter, a resident of number 4 Privet Drive the cupboard under the stairs received no gifts, per usual on the eve of his fifteenth birthday, he was unsurprised however. He didn't expect anything but it couldn't hurt to hope that at least one member from the Weasley family would at least send him a letter wishing him a happy birthday or to inquire about his health. The family and headmaster of Hogwarts all knew what went on behind closed doors in the Dursley home. How he was treated worse than a house elf and forced to cook and clean for the ungrateful whales that were his only blood relatives. How his uncle had taken away the most valuable part of his sexual existence and innocence that he could never get back.

He watched the clock tick down, counting the seconds that remained until he could officially use his magic. As a member of wizarding society he was entitled to full use of his magic and becoming a member of wizarding society at the age of 17. However he knew and was banking on the fact that he could come into a creature inheritance . Any wizard or witch who received a creature inheritance before coming of age at 17 years had immediate access to their heirships and use of their magic outside of school. Everyone else just had to wait.

The Potter heir was hoping for a creature inheritance and even if he didn't receive one he wasn't spending one more second in his childhood 'home' than necessary. His plan was to head to Gringotts, see what his inheritance entailed then head to a remote manor and stay there until it was time to board the train back to Hogwarts. Even if he didn't get his inheritance he would use the money he had from the tournament and buy a small appartement for himself to stay in where he could invite his brother in all but blood. The Longbottom heir already knew he would be receiving a creature inheritance, therefore helping move their plans along. If Harry never received his then they would rely on Neville's magic until the end of the summer holidays.

Harry was thrown out of his thoughts when a searing pain flared through his body making his body flop back down onto his bed face first. He made no sounds only clenching the tattered sheets between his fingers and allowing tears to run down his face. He held in his pain only letting out small quiet whimpers when the skin on his back ripped open and a pair of bloody white wings appeared. He stayed situated on the small tattered bed before the pain dulled and the blood stopped flowing seemingly having been healed after tearing the skin. He stayed quiet, silent tears running down his face at the aftershocks before he gave his wings an experimental flap. He breathed a sigh of relief when he felt no pain at the action and slowly rolled over on the bed falling to the ground and quickly scrambling to his feet. He muttered a quiet cleansing charm and walked slowly to the mirror that sat near the small closet in the room.

To say he was shocked by what he saw was an understatement. His usual unruly hair now lay past his shoulders and was soft and black. His eyes were now a dark hazel with hints of red framed by long eyelashes. His hips now had a more feminine curve to them and it was now that he realized that he could see without his glasses that were still on the bed behind him. He was interrupted from his gazing when an black owl flew through the open window and landed on his shoulder carrying an envelope. He untied the letter and read it over before walking to his desk, the owl still perched on his shoulder and gave the messenger two treats before allowing the owl to fly back out into the night. Harry grabbed his packed trunk, shrunk it along with his empty owl cage before scanning the room once more, making sure to turn the light off before saying the portkey activation word and being whisked off to Gringotts. When he was immediately whisked back into a private room and told to place a few drops of blood onto multiple pieces of parchment it was then that Harry knew he was in for a long night of surprises.

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