Chapter 3

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The song above is pretty good. Watch it, don't, I don't care.

France, 1348

The Witch Trials

As the new year springs unto the Saewealds, news of Edmund's recovery spreads like a wildfire. Envy is also spreading into all of the resident's hearts. People begin to turn to the Occisor more and more for health issues. Sometimes, he could cure the people, while other times, the patient would die. Eventually, this becomes a problem.

People try to find an explanation to the mess. Was there another person in the room when they died? Was it the doctor poisoning them? Eventually, they come to the conclusion that there were too many women in the house hold.

The women must be poisoning them, they're no other explanation!

Yes, the women must be witches! Terrible witches that cast spells on people!

The women in the village slowly are being accused of being witches. In their hearts, there was just no way one person could live, while their loved one could not.

The act started slow at first, in the streets women would just be called witches in random situations. If she could do something better than a man, she was a witch. Eventually, this craze took a deadly turn.

A couple of men would conduct 'witch trials' with any women that they deemed. One trial was that they would dunk one under water and see if she was still alive. If she was, she was a witch, but if she was dead, she was just a person. Another was, secretly burning her at the stake. Once again, if she was alive, she was a witch. But if not, she was just a dead women.

Word got out about the men's trials, and people surprisingly approved. Slowly, the mob's plans began to take action.


It was all thanks to the Occisor that her brother was alive. Evelyn felt it was rude to not properly thank him. So, the day after Edmund was safely returned home, Evelyn took it upon herself to thank him.

When she arrived at the Occisor's house, instead of just one, it had two planks 'barricading' the entry way in an 'x' form. His fruitless attempts to block off the public made her laugh a bit. She raised her hand and knocked on the door of the house. She didn't want to be scolded again for entering without permission.

"Doctor, um, it's me Evelyn. I'm the sister of one of the people you cured..." She said hesitantly and waited for a response. Nothing. "I just wanted to thank you for all that you've done. My brother is better than ever thanks to you." He probably isn't home, just like when I first visited.

Instead of barging in like last time, she just left her thank-you gift in front of the door. "I'm probably just an annoyance." She sighs and takes the path back to her house.


The mob is arising. Despite what they were doing, no one seemed to notice. But that might have been because of the King's helper. He was told about the mob first hand by one of the mob's leaders. Unfortunately, this man of the king, is a cowardly man. He would do anything to get along with people and not get hurt. So, he agreed to the mob man's terms of silence. Ever since then, the mob was quietly killing more and more women. That was, until one day when they decided to go public.

It was on one of the few days that Evelyn would get back really late from work. When she exited the Dering house, she immediately smelled ash in the cold dark air. At first, she just passed it off to be the Occisor's doing. But as she got closer to the smell, Evelyn realized that it was far from that case.

In front of her stood two women whom were bound to a long wooden poll. Below them, burned a blazing fire, causing their ankles to already have blisters on them. She recognized these women almost immediately, they were the two sisters whose husbands had both conducted The Black Death. But thanks to Occisor, they were both cured and living a happy life once again. But why would they be burning at a stake?

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