The day I met him- Wanda

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Hi, I'm Elixa, the author of this fanfic. This is a Winterwitch ship, so sorry to any Wanda-x-Vision shippers. It takes place in an alternate universe after the Civil war. Cap's team all kept in contact with each other but were told to split up around the world. Wanda settled in Brooklyn, New York; Nat in London; Steve in San Fransisco; Scott and Clint went home and were under house arrest. Bucky went back into the ice in Wakanda. He was cured by Shuri and was let out of Wakanda, and moved to New York City. Wanda started to blend in, finishing high school with Peter Parker (not really in this fanfic) and then dropped out of NYC university to pursue her dream career of being a film producer. She was interning for a small film company until she was let off the morning before the story starts. Wanda ends up at a small coffee shop in Brooklyn, where she sees bucky again for the first time since the fight. Bucky recently broke up with a girl he met when he moved back and ends up at the same coffee shop. Wanda and Bucky barely recognise each other from Berlin but have a faint knowledge of each other. The story continues from there



My day was going way downhill until I met him. His eyes glinted like the ocean, his smile as bright as the stars. I had been fired from my job, ripped my dress on a clothing hook and tripped over nothing on my way home. I sat down to get a coffee and that's when I saw him. James  'Bucky' Buchanan Barnes, his eyes streaming, somehow beautiful when he was crying. I walked over to him, knowing how he felt, as I had a crappy day too. 

'How's a man like you so sad?' I asked. He barely lifted his head, mumbling, 'My girlfriend just dumped me.' I instantly sympathised, after losing a loved one as well. 'You're not the only one having a crappy day... believe me!' I sighed, sipping my coffee. 'You're Wanda, I've seen you before...' Bucky said, unknowing I was the one that saved him from the Black Panther in Berlin. 'You're Bucky, aren't you?' I replied, 'I remember saving you in Berlin... from an air traffic control tower, wasn't it?'. Bucky nodded vaguely, unmistakenly drunken out of his mind. 'Bucky you're obviously intoxicated, and without a place to stay,' I say, indicating to the black plastic bag of belongings he has underneath his chair, 'So do you want to stay at mine for the night, until you can find a place to live in?' Bucky nodded vaguely again, almost dropping out of consciousness. I hailed a cab and helped him get inside before hopping in myself. I told the cab driver where to go and shortly arrived at my apartment, located in a small complex in Brooklyn. Bucky collapsed on the couch (sofa) and fell asleep. I texted Steve to say that Bucky and I had met, and he was with me. I went to my bedroom and went to sleep. 

Why did I invite a long-lost acquaintance into my house? What is wrong with me? These thoughts plagued my dreams, as I tossed and turned. I woke with a start to hear a crash in the kitchen. I walked cautiously to see what the commotion was. Turns out Bucky just wanted a bowl of cereal, and he knocked a few plates on his way. I dug through the few broken plates to find him shocked on the floor. I helped him up,  made him some cereal and cleared up the plates. 'I'm sorry Wanda... the metal arm... you know...' he tried to explain. 'It's fine bucky. I understand.' I replied. He was a gentleman, he had real manners and was always trying to do everything right. I couldn't help but admire that in him.

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