It's time to go - Bucky

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Wanda woke when I came back with the eyedrops. I got ones that stop itchiness and remove redness. I explained to Wanda that they might sting. She didn't care, she just wanted the pain gone. I put the first one in, and a series of yelps left Wanda's mouth.

'Fuck Bucky, that stings like hell,' she whined.

'That's because you rubbed them so much,' I replied.

She sighed and tensed for the second drops. After they stopped stinging she got up. We went about our day as per usual again. I still tried to get used to my hair and Wanda just read in her room. Before long we were ready and changed for the coming fight. There was a slight problem. My hair did not make me look like a force to be reckoned with. 

'It's hard to look like a badass winter soldier when my hair doesn't really work with it.' I moaned into the mirror.

'Well I think it looks fine Buck,' Wanda said, coming to stand next to me, 'You just worry about blocking out the control words like I told you.'

I kissed her on the forehead and we went to the roof. Peter was there with Nat and T'challa.

'Where's Steve?' Wanda asked

'At the jet,' Nat replied, going in to hug Wanda

'Thanks for this,' I said to T'challa.

'There is no need to thank me,' T'challa replied.

We all met Steve at the jet. I helped Nat navigate to Hydra HQ. I could hear Wanda and Peter catching up, but no sound from T'challa or Steve. We arrived there at dusk, our ship hidden in the darker sky. We decided that the best option was for Nat, Wanda and I to sneak in, and blow the place up in flames. Wanda used her powers to hypnotise the guards into letting us in. I used my knowledge of the place to place the hidden bombs around the compound. Nat was there as a guard to protect us, and help get us out of there. Plus she had the bomb diffuser so she was an integral part of the plan. But we knew we wouldn't get through unscathed. We walked into a room, and I was absolutely fucked.

'Longing, Rusted, Seventeen,' Wolfgang, the ruthless leader of Hydra, said, 'Daybreak, furnace, nine.'

I started clutching my ears, trying to block out the killing words. Nat shot Wolfgang in the head, but soon enough we were surrounded.

'We need back up!!!' Wanda yelled to the others in the quin-jet through my earpiece. Peter, Steve and T'challa came running through to help us.

Every punch, kick, hex and bullet were thrown into this fight. Half of Wanda's eyebrow was severed by a flamethrower, Peter's costume was ripped by a small graze bullet, and Cap was given a black eye. I put the final bomb in the room. Wanda used her telekinesis to get everyone to the only way out of the chamber. We ran away from the chamber, Wanda locking the doors telekinetically as we sprinted through the halls. We got onto the quin-jet and blasted the fuck out of there.

'Let's blow this shithole to hell!' Bucky and I yelled simultaneously. Nat detonated the bombs.

We flew off, leaving Hydra to go up in flames. My nightmare of Hydra reclaiming me was over!

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