the valley of unknown - Bucky

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I started to get nightmares about a month after the wedding. I was continually falling into a valley of the unknown, a dark pit of nothingness. I could see a train track above me, with continual calls for me coming from it. I would wake up, jerking in a cold sweat, breathless from the nightmares. Wanda was obviously bothered by them.

'Buck, should I look for them in your head?' She asked. I nodded and lay down on her lap, my eyes glassy with tears. She pulled red hexes from her hands and put them into my head to look through and find the cause.

'Buck this dream... this dream is a memory,' She said, stroking my hair with her gentle touch, 'I think it's just resurfacing after we've pushed HYDRA away from your memory.' I just nodded again and sat up beside her. Wanda continued to stroke my hair whilst I leant against her shoulder. I started tearing up as she comforted me.

'That dream... It keeps coming,' I whimpered, 'I don't know how to make it stop.'

'We'll find a way Buck,' she replied in a soothing manner, 'We always do.'

'I love you Wands,' I mumbled into her ear.

'I love you too Buck,' Wanda replied softly. I shifted to sit behind her, trying to braid her hair with my slightly shaky hands. I let her run her fingers through my hair, combing out the knots. I winced a few times when her hands caught on big knots. Wanda swiftly apologized and lay on my lap. I pulled her to lie on top of me. We snuggled together until sunrise, without a wink of sleep. I drifted into a half-sleep, where I could notice some things but not others. I woke up when I felt Wanda roll from on top of me into bed beside me.

'You ok babe?' I asked, stroking her face with my hand, tucking stray strands of hair behind her ear.

'Yeah...,' she said hesitantly, 'Just haven't gotten any sleep.'

'Oh...' I replied, 'Have you tried cuddling me? That normally works the other way round for me.' Wanda replied to my comment with a giggle and a kiss.

'I don't know, I just stay up to make sure you're okay,' she replied, smiling dreamily.

'You don't need to do that,' I sighed, reaching to kiss her. her lips brushed gently in mine, a warm sensation spreading across my body. Wanda's hands swept through my hair and pulled me in further. Her eyes shone like a thousand stars in the midnight sky. My nose rubbed against her shoulder as I leant into her. I kissed around her collarbone and shoulder, slowly working my way slowly up the side of her neck. Her kisses wound their way down from my forehead to my lips. Our lips met in a warm kiss, and I pulled Wanda even closer.

'I love you' She whispered as I kissed her rosy cheeks.

'I love you too,' I whispered back into her ear.

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