The reception - Wanda

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We arrived at this decadent function hall. It was decorated with red and silver balloons, and the tables were arranged around a dark, vinyl dance floor. There was the bridesmaid, groomsmen and couples table at the head of the room. Bucky led me to my seat and he sat next to me before kissing me.

'I love you baby,' He said, smiling.

'I love you too,' I replied, smiling back. The MC announced it was then time for our speeches. I stood to give mine.

'The first moment I met Bucky was magical,' I started, 'He was down and lonely, but as soon as I entered his bubble, his eyes sparkled. We had this undeniable connection, and nothing could change that. It could have been anyone that I had this connection with, and I am so glad it was you, Buck. You changed my life and helped me pick up the pieces, despite our quirks and our stupid moments. I will love you no matter how crazy life gets. You are the best thing in my life, and I will never, ever let that change.' I was applauded and saw Bucky wipe a tear out of his eye. He stood up and kissed me before letting me sit down. He stayed standing to say his speech.

'When Wanda first entered my life, I was a mess,' He started, 'She helped untangle me from my past mistakes and helped me feel human again.' At this sentence, my heart throbbed. He was such a sweetheart. 'Wanda has been my guardian angel and now she is my beautiful wife. I could never thank you enough, Wanda. I'll never leave you, through the good times, through the bad, through ups and downs. I love you more than life itself, and I won't let you go.' I was trying not to ruin my makeup with tears at this point and leapt up to kiss him. He then carried me to the dance floor for our first dance. The music played 'Forest fire' by Brighton, which I had always felt was Bucky and my song. We swayed along the floor, his hands around my waist, mine around his neck. Bucky spun me by my finger a few times and pulled me in again. The song finished and he brought me in for a small kiss on the lips. The bridesmaids and groomsmen came onto the floor. We danced to 'Love me like you' by Little Mix, my favourite band and everyone joined the floor and started dancing. The music blasted from the hall all night, and the food was devoured. Our final dance was Clint and me, dancing to 'Don't Wanna miss a thing' by Aerosmith. Clint starting tearing up at the fact that I was "All grown up".

'Stop crying "dad",' I said, resting my head on his shoulder as we danced.

'I can't help it, Wanda,' Clint sighed, trying to control his tears, 'You're all grown up and you're married now.'

'I know. You're a real softy when you want to be,' I teased him, which made him cheer up a bit. I saw Bucky smiling from the side of the floor. He didn't have an elected parent and didn't really fancy dancing with Steve. The song faded out and Clint was really starting to cry. I kissed him on the cheek and he bear-hugged me back.

'I'm going to miss you,' Clint said, holding back the flood.

I'm gonna miss you too,' I said. He walked me over to Bucky.

'I'll take good care of her Clint,' Bucky said, pulling me to his side.

'Thank you Bucky,' Clint said before walking to Laura who was ready with tissues. Bucky then walked me outside to the car where we drove the hotel room.

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