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It was the fresh smell of the open sea's front air, a new life, a new school; it was going to be a great year for me. Here we are on the shores of Newport Oregon. Dolphins dashing in and out of the water, light houses guiding the ships on the out coast, and the families that own boat houses were fishing for their breakfast, what a life; I can't wait until tomorrow when I start school.

This was a special occasion for me, it was my first day of a new school and I was so excited to finally go to a school in a safe district. My dad and I lived alone, subsequently, I have lost my mother and the precious years I should have spent with her. I was only two years old when she died, so I never really got the chance to know her. My dad was all I had. He often told me about her, the stories of how they lived and loved one another, and I really felt like I missed out on knowing her in not having a mother. Still, I felt like I was a gifted child even without a mother. You see my father never let me go without anything, especially him; he has always been there for me, we did everything together as a father and daughter.

When my dad got ready for work, he would always prepare for me a great breakfast; now how he did it, I don't know but this particular morning, we where running late and my dad had to fix our breakfast and take me to school because we were living in a new house and a new town, so we didn't know the routine of the bus schedules yet.

"Shemeka," My dad called wanting me to come down for breakfast and I was hungry too. I could smell the bacon and the pancakes cooking. I needed to hurry if I wanted to eat, we were already behind schedule.

I decided to wear my blue outfit, the blue jean jacket with matching pants. As I was putting my jacket on over my pale blue tank top, something cast a mysterious shadow over my bedroom, I could not tell what it was, but it felt strange and eerie.

"Shemeka," Larry Davis Called once again. "Come on down and eat, we are going to be late, you for school and me for work, so come on and get a move on."

Rushing out of the house I slipped and fail and my dad jumped out of the car to pick me up, when we got in the car, I could tell that my fall made my dad a little uneasy.

When we began to pull out he was still pulling his self together, but coming down the street was a car moving in a zigzag motion; I can only think, that person was a drunk driver, even though I saw the car, my dad was not paying attention, and I just couldn't open my mouth fast enough to warn him, before we were in a car accident with the car that was driving so crazy down the street.

I heard the loud crash, I could hear hubcaps rolling down the street, I could not move, the crash jerked and twist my body around and pain began rushing through my body like a bolt of lighting that put my back, head, and hip in excruciating pain after slamming me into the dash glass window. My head felt like it was going to fall off of my shoulders, but my dad seemed to be alright because he jumped out of the car to go and argue with the driver of the next car.

While I was lying there in the passenger seat of my dad's car in tremendous pain; I watch while my dad argue with the crazy driver, and then all of a sudden the pain began to leave my body and before I knew anything, I was looking down at my body, which was passed out. I began to feel my body float in med-air.

There I was floating out of my life while my dad argue with the other driver, I saw this big bright light, the warmth from the light seemed so soothing as it began pulling me towards it, and it looked like this chance of events has taken my life and I knew I had to do something fast, after all, I couldn't very well leave my dad all alone. So I pulled back and stayed for my father.

Suspended in mid-air, and trying to fasten my feet to the ground moreover struggling to put my stubborn feet in front of the other, in order to get to my father to help him. In this enigma I saw hanging in a tree was a little boy.

"What are you doing up there?" I asked him. Still not quit together I sluggishly tried to walk towards him to hear what he had to say.

"I'm always hanging here, this is my favorite tree. I use to climb this tree all the time when I was alive."

"Alive! What do you mean? When you were alive! Are you telling me you are dead?"

"Yeah, and you are too."

"Oh no, I'm not because dead people go to sleep forever and I'm not asleep." That little boy laughed so hard, he nearly faded out of the tree he was dangling in, and instead, he floated to the ground.

"Wanna bet? Steve Huggins is the name; I use to live in this very house. And what is your name, little lady?"