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This I did not understand why Steve couldn't torment them, the same way he tormented the little boy's mother? Why not these people they were just as bad? Soon the woman's daughter and her son-in-law began hitting and slapping on the little old lady, now I could see why the little old lady did not want to stay and hang around after she died.

"Steve why you can not hurt these people like you got the little boy's mother?"

"This is Madam Sardinia's house, her daughter and son-in-law moved in when she got sick. You see Madam Sardinia has got a lot of amulets hanging around, and because of this, I can't do anything here. She has asked them to move them for me but they don't believe in them and they don't believe I exist. They think the amulets are cute. I want those people gone, they treat Madam Sardinia like a dog, and they throw her food at her and won't feed her. She has got to act like she doesn't want the food in order for them to feed her and then they shove it down her throat."

As Steve continued to tell me about these people, I wanted to leave, I couldn't watch anymore it was too hard, it took everything I had in me to not shed any tears.

"But I know that one day when they leave this house they will be all mine," Steve said with such evil in his eyes, and that evil had become a black stained which had troubled soul and the misgiving of his gift to help, which was tarnished by his wraith of revenge. His immortal soul had become just as bad as those people whom he haunts.

Madam Sardinia's daughter, Sophie walked out of her mother's room to see if Mike would take her out to eat for dinner. She caressed his bald shaven head and kissed his forehead then asked.

"Mike, I want to go out for dinner."

"And the people in hell want water, so what do you want me to do about it?" He asked.

Sophie anger virtually over his remark and she replaced her anger with more passion and while holding her anger in she began to caress him more by brazing the tip of her fingers softly around and around his head.

"Come on Mike, we can try out that new Barbecue place you were telling me about."

"Yeah, that's a good idea. Let's go."

"First let me tell Mama, and then we can go."

Steve and I watched as Sophie marched to the back room to tell her mother she and Mike were going out to eat, I could see the excitement in Steve's eyes, he knew this was his chance to cause complete damage to Sophie and her husband.

"Mama, Mike and I decided to step out for a drive to town for dinner. Do you want anything while we are out?"

"No, just leave me be."

"Steve, here is your chance to get those people for doing Madam Sardinia so badly."

"I'm already on it," Steve said as he tried to cast a spell on them but Sophie wore a pendant that sometimes glows, but Steve did not care, he cast his powers on them anyway, as though he knew the pendant she wore was counterfeit. The porch had an overhanging roof that buckles and collapsed as they step out of the house, but the pendant started to glow and somehow Sophie was saved from the collision, but her husband wasn't so lucky; Mike was hit from behind, and a sharp piece of tin scared his backside up pretty badly; neither one of them knew what happen.

"Sophie, what was that? Did you try and kill me?"

"No, Mike, come on. Let's go."

"Sophie, there was a glow around your neck. And I know you and your mother has some kind of magic voodoo going on. And I think you did something. Why did you want to get me out of the house?"

"Mike you are being crazy."

Mike didn't say anything else, however, Steve was not finished. How and why did Steve think revenge was always the solution? I don't know, but the essence of Madam Sardinia's daughter's pendant would not allow Steve to cast any more spells around her. I tried to cast a few spells, but I could not participate in Steve's casting of spells, my spirit was willing but I was too young in the spirit world and much too weak, still I felt bound by my friend's spirit and that alone frightens me, because I didn't know how far Steve would go to get revenge for what he called, the weak and helpless. Even though the woman was protected by her pendant, her cowardly husband was not, he ran back in the house and order Sophie to cook because they were not going out to eat. Well, fate step in and while Sophie was cooking on a gas stove her hair caught on fire while she was bending down to get a pot from under the stove.

"Mike, Mike, my hair is on fire," Sophie screamed.

"Here girl, use some salt, or water to put the fire out," Mike said as he pours water and sprinkles salt on her head at the same time,

"Stop Mike, that salt is going into my eyes and my burnt wound and it hurts. I will never be able to show my face again."

Forget the face, I know that would be some kinda trouble to wash the salt out of her hair. Steve and I laughed so hard, our mere present nearly caused the lights to go off and on. Sophie and Mike grabbed each other gazing into space and as their eyes wandered around the kitchen, their fear became so great, Sophie nearly forgot about her scorched face.

The smoke filled the room, the fire started growing around the house pretty fast. Steve and I lifted Madam Sardinia off the bed and out of the house, but the other two got burnt really badly.

After the ambulance came and took everyone to the hospital, Steve got bored with hanging around.

"Come on and let go and do something else," Steve said.

I didn't know what Steve had in mind I didn't care as long as it didn't include haunting people anymore, I just couldn't take it anymore.

"Steve what did you have in mind?"

"Let go to the museum and mess around, there is always a ghost hanging around who haven't learn how to haunt yet it would be fun just watching them try."

"Sounds good let's go."

Soon after we got to the museum, there was no ghost hanging around and it was quite boring, and Steve also seems to be bored. However, to amuse himself he unexpectedly attains amusement from the statues just to entertain the security guards allowing the statues to move about in the museum. One guard looked and shook his head as though he knew what he was seeing wasn't real.

"Did you see that?" Another security guard said as he began to back up, getting ready to run.

"What? You are running?" As the security guard stood there boldly knowing nothing was going to happen to him, "this place is just haunted, it happens frequently, some ghost is having a good time, but if you don't let it frighten you, it will go away."

"I'm going to get help, I am not used to this."


Meanwhile, the other security guard went to get help subsequently when all the guards came in and saw the statue moving they just started shooting the statues.

"Take out your guns and just start shooting, are you men insane? It's just a statue!" The guard spoke in a deliberately offensive voice well this is where the fun ended; still, we floated out of there crying with laughter.