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We left word for everyone to meet at the Paris family's Tavern. It was a small Tavern that the Paris mob family owned; the Paris shop had a few pool tables, a bar, and a few round tables with only three chairs to each of them. A light which swung high in a cage from the ceiling over the bar which lit up the entire room, and several enormous marble tiles on the wall behind the bar, there were round globe like- mirrors that hung in all four corners from the ceiling.

As the men walked in they complimented one another with their fake hugs and kisses motioning from side to side of each cheek, one of the men choked and coughed as though he did not mean the hugs and fake kisses at all. Shortly afterward the women came in and all they did is nodded to one another as they enter the Tavern. Even though Steve taught us everything he knew, we all were gifted some way or another, some more than others. Take me for instance, I like moving objects across the room, Narnia has telepathy powers. We all can float or zoom across the room and become visible when we want. So I guess that's the job Steve is talking about because we sure did not have a real plan.

All the families were gathering in the Tavern, but no one was talking, and since they did not know where the invitations came from, no one knows who called the meeting.

"Okay gang, you all are aware of what your talents are, I need you to use them to make both families see the harm that has been caused to Bryan. Now you all know what you are supposed to do."

"Yes we need to influence the families from fighting and yes we all know our abilities and powers, but Steve how is scare tactics going to stop them when it did not work before?"

"Narnia use your telepathic powers to channel in on Adams fears."

Narnia looked at Adam and began to channel in on his thoughts.

"Steve I got it, his daughter is his heart, to harm his daughter Christy, is his biggest fear, because he doesn't want anything to happen to her while in this feud," Narnia commented.

"Good, she will be our first target."

"Good, target, I thought we were not going to harm anyone," I cried while looking at Steve with my hands on my hips as if he broke a sacred rule of haunting.

"Shemeka we are not going to harm anyone. Okay Narnia, tell me which one is Christy?"

"Steve She's the one with the pale blue dress and the long dark hair."

Steve was grateful for that little information, that's when he called on Bryan to possesses her.

"Bryan, can you make her float across the room?"

"Sure Steve, that's my powers."

Bryan can make the living hear and speak or say anything he wants them to say; alone in making them float across the room. And that's what he did.

"Like I said Steve, controlling bodies, is my power," Bryan claimed boastingly.

Bryan had Christy air born and floating around the room and everyone became frightened. "Okay, Shemeka you lift all of their guns and aim them at Christy, but make sure none of the guns goes off and fire. Bryan, you make sure Christy stays adrift and have her to say stop the feud."

As we began to make things happen; Adam jumped up in fear when his daughter started to float high beside the light in the cage so everyone could see and be afraid. And when all of the guns took aim at Christy while she was suspended in mid-air, the light from the ceiling shine on the globe of mirrors and as the lit globe spun around flickering sparkles of images of the many guns surrounding Christy as she yelled, "Stop the feud," and the reflection of the guns shined in the eyes of the men. Fear grew in Adam's heart and his eyes were full of tears as the need to save his daughter cause a bitter taste in his mouth because he knew there was nothing he could do but what was asked of him; their mob boss cried. "We will stop the feud, don't kill my baby; please don't kill my little girl."

Christy didn't know what was happening to her, so when we let her down she ran to her father in tears because she too was afraid.

"Now Adam, you know now how I am hurting, I don't know who cause this but I'm glad they did," Roberto admitted.

"Roberto, I believe this is the work of your dead son, I said there won't be any more fighting but I didn't say anything about not wanting my money back."

"You got your money with my son's life."

"Oh no, I didn't."

The room became silent and then the guns began to raise and point at Christy again.

"No Father, let it go please!"

"Okay, Roberto you have won, and we can call it even."

The essence of Bryan happiness shined so bright everyone in the Tavern could see his ghostly figure. With water in his eyes; Bryan's father stood up and the room became silent, there was such a calmness in the room, when another light came for Bryan to pass on, but just like me, Bryan decided to stick around and keep us company, he said it's to keep us out of trouble but I know the real deal, he just did not want to leave us.

Bryan was so pleased with the outcome, he insists that we all stick around and celebrate, but in reality, he wanted to stick around to see if what we did really work. So we floated over to the mob family to see if they were going to leave Bryan's father alone. As we sat quietly, we listened to see what the family was saying to each other.

"Father, I am glad you left that man alone because I was afraid of what he would do to me."

"Yes, I'm glad to dear, that family has powers I've never seen before, and I would not want to make him angry."

This made us satisfied, so we floated back to Bryan's father's house and we partied right above his father's house. We partied so hard we shook Bryan's father's house which made his father a little worry of what was happening to him in his house, and Bryan was so tickled we all laughed.

The next morning we all took off and went to Germany, flying through the air, playing tag.

"Hi, quiet one, you are it," Bryan said to Narnia as she smiled and began chasing him across the skies, I hid in the clouds so that no one could tag me, but Steve found me and tagged me, we giggle and tag all across the skies and jetting through clouds, screaming you're it, no you're it, until we finally got to the place where we just glide into space, floating until we got to Germany.