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While flying we came across a plane crash, "Look Steve it's an abandon plane."

"Come on, I felt something."

When we board the plane, I saw this green-yellowish substance, "Steve what is that?"

"Oh, it's just the essence that we sometimes gush out when a ghost is angry or sometimes upset; the living calls it plasma; an effusion reactors or gas, that we as ghost often leave behind, a ghost that can leave this much essence is powerful, or don't know it's dead."

We searched around until we found a little girl that was crying, "what's the matter," I asked the little girl, but she didn't answer me.

"Look, Shemeka, this plane was on it's way to America," Steve said as we both looked back at the little girl, curiosity got the best of Steve, and he floated inside her bag to see what he could find out about the little ghost; a little girl who was on her way to see her grandmother and the plane crashed coming from India, on it's way to America. This was the little girl's first time ever leaving her country. Her tears and moans brought her to our attention, she and the plane would take off at the same time every day, and at the same time every day the plane would crash and then she would scream out with a loud cry. Steve and I tried and comforted her.

"Hi, I am Steve and this is Shemeka. What is your name?"

"My name is Narnia."

"Well, Narnia, you are trapped in a time warp and you have to learn to release yourself."

"What? I can't, I need to see my grandmother, if only this plan would just take me there instead of landing, but the plane just keeps landing."

"Shemeka, I was right she does not know she is dead."

"Well Steve, enlighten her and tell her the truth because she will never see her grandmother like this."

"Okay kid, this is the deal, you are dead."

"Real settle, Steve."

"Well, what did you want me to say?"

"What are you guys talking about?" The young girl asked.

"Well, why do you think the plane keeps crashing in these woods? Because I know you know this is not a landing strip," Steve said to the little girl. Soon after she broke down into a panic, the green-yellowish stuff went everywhere, I didn't know what to say to her to calm her down and Steve was looking frustrated. With the essence of emotions flying everywhere; I said the only thing I could think of.

"Come on now it's not that bad! just embrace the enthusiasm of being a ghost and you can travel with us."

"But I want to see my grandmother," Narnia cried.

"I'm sure you will, but first you have to free your spirit," Steve said to the little girl.

The Narnia looked puzzled and so did I, I did not understand what Steve was talking about.

"Okay, you both look puzzled feel yourself floating on a lake or swimming in a pool, let your soul float through that imitation of your body, of your spirit and release all of your anger. You know the feeling you had when you didn't get to see your grandmother, let that go and free yourself."

I was wrong, Steve did send me through the same process, but my death was completely different from Narnia's.

Narnia a thirteen-year-old girl who does not believe in ghost, to her it's just a chicanery of hocus-pocus; how was Steve going to convince her of what she is, if she doesn't believe in what she is? Narnia never got to experience very much in life because of her culture but her death is going to be an experience she will not believe. We began training Narnia her new ghostly powers.